Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy Boxing Day!

happy boxing day!

Amazing, happy week! We had our christmas temple tour, our branch christmas party, and our mission christmas conference! And two family home evenings! We've been passing out 'The Living Christ' to everyone... ( And we've done lots of caroling!

I talked to my family on skype and ate taco soup with the couple missionaries. It's been a good day.

mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Here's some pictures...
1. all the people we brought. the jeepney was packed... laarni and her cousins, dexter &vanessa w/ yanni, DeVillena family, and Randy and Jhoana San Juan's family. i love these people..
2.temple at night w/ lights <3
3.with president and sister delamare after christmas conference. president sang 'o holy night' and it was soooo good!
4.on the way home from christmas conference, we were 3 of the 7 who were still awake. the rest of the zone was oooout. all 11 of them... i have pictures of them, too... haha.. eve visit to the castillo family. and of course puppies!!! yay!
6.staying up late on christmas eve to make the perfect tree... :/
7.first visit on christmas morning to chrisper and john paulo! rona worked with us because she didn't really have anywhere to go for christmas. night with the other san juan family. sister alice gave the lesson. it was great and topped off with sopas and ube cake. masarap! children in the mission (sister biggs shares the sons with me). i won't take the time to explain, but it's just something silly missionaries do with who is oldest in the zone/trainers. the jensen's playing music on the musical crackers/whistles!!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas!​!!!!!!!!!!​!!!

Pangalawang Christmas sa Mission! Holy Cow!

We just had our zone Christmas activity. We went caroling in a hospital and it seemed to bring smiles to a lot of people's faces. Sister Harston said she noticed some people crying. Afterward we had a potluck feast and gift exchange and games, and a reallly random talent show. We sisters sang a girls camp song. Sister Biggs has video footage... :) We did some coloring of christmas pictures and a little bit of soccer, too. It's been a good P-day.

We had our zone conference this week, which means we went to the mission home and learned lots. President DeLaMare promised us that people have been prepared, and I feel like with our hope in that promise we've been finding some amazing people. There's Len and August, who I mentioned last week. They're relatives of a recent convert and an investigator that's about to be baptized. They came to church again, and Len received her answer about the Book of Mormon. I loved the way she described it because it goes along with what I just learned a little more about recognizing the spirit this week from my kabahay, Sister Repollo. Mabigat = no/hindi tama. Maluwag at magaan = yes/tama. And when you all translate that it's going to seem really obvious, but it helped me a lot. And it was so cool to hear Len describe it in the same way.

Then we were tracting last week and talked to this one lady who was not very interested at all, but we felt like going back and she gave us two referrals, and we contacted those referrals, and one of them seems so prepared, and we had a great first lesson with her--Mila. She really needed to hear about God's love, and she had a lot of good questions about the differences of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from other churches.

We also had kind of a miracle of a member present in some of our lessons. Sister Jonah has always hid from getting callings and from the missionaries, but she worked with us twice this week and was happy to do it. The members that we passed laughed about it because they were so surprised. It was happy.

There's all kinds of miracles happening around Christmas time!! I won't be e-mailing again until the day after Christmas so Maligayang Pasko sa inyo lahat.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

1. Kabahay at the mission home. We always seem to match in subtle ways... Purple w/ White/White/Purple w/Black/Black :)
2. Jeepney home! I love Sister Harston!
3. I love Sister Repollo! ... as for Elder Ferrer... I hurt him while we were playing soccer, but it was an accident...
4. I love Sister Biggs, too! Siyempre! MTC companion, and kabahay for 5 transfers (7 months)... She goes home for school in January!!! Ahh! It's so close!
5.  The best gifts in the gift exchange--elephant and leopard hats. Elder Sommers had just stolen the Leopard hat from Elder Aungon, but when Elder Aungon picked out his next gift... it was the elephant hat! We laughed hard.
6.  Stolen again by the winners of the hats!! Elder and Sister Jensen. (They were stolen from them, but they stole them back at the right time.)
7.  We're kids again! This is a great zone :D
8. recycling gift bags from my family's birthday package. salamat po!!
9. puppies!!! at the DeVillina Family <3
11. Morong Zone is awesome!!!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

It's the Most Wonderful Time...

It's the Most Wonderful Time...

It's been an awesome week. The epic family home evening we had last week led to us teaching three of those that attended--Len, August, and Shei, (and hopefully softening and preparing the hearts of others). We've taught them twice and two of them came to church with Alice, the recent convert and host of the original FHE, and to the Christmas Devotional with Laarni, th daughter of the recent convert and daughter-in-law of the Elder's Quorum President. And Len in particular just looks like she's hungering and thirsting after righteousness in our lessons. She's so open to feeling the Spirit and learning more.

The less active father came to church again! And I know he will continue to do so. He has this different resolve in his countenance now. He's preparing to baptize his son, who turned 8 in September. And the husband and wife have said they'll work with us and introduce us to friends that are ready to hear the gospel and other less actives they know!!

We had this other really special lesson with the couple missionaries this past week. We had a plan and it didn't work out, so we followed the spirit and ended up teaching about temples, and then they opened up about their concern about tithing, and everyone shared powerful testimony and experiences about tithing. By the end the husband turned his wife and said, "Are we going to put our money together and pay a full tithe?" Not only did the wife commit to that, but she has bad eyes and piped up without us even asking, "And I'm going to start reading the Book of Mormon again even if I have to force myself!" And I know with God anything is possibly and if she has the faith, she will be able to read. Miracles did not stop in the time of Christ. They are still happening... everyday!

Ah! And one of my favorite experiences this week was when we went to teach one of my favorite less active families, but they weren't home. The father's sister was home at the house next door with her husband who is not a member. Usually he is closed off, but that evening he opened up so much and committed that when he knows the truthfulness of the gospel he'll be baptized. Their baby had just been blessed and we shared from Moroni 8: 8 and 10 why we don't baptize babies in the Church. He understood it well and had his own insights. The Spirit there was wonderful, and he took the Book of Mormon to read while he is working out of town... And this was all unexpected. Heavenly Father really does place us in the right place at the right time!

AND church yesterday was great because Sister Harston made a good a point that all the talks in sacrament mentioned things we'd been teaching to our investigators and less actives. She's so positive. I love it!

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Monday, December 3, 2012

Best Day Ever #937

Best Day Ever #937

That is a reference to Spongebob and childhood memories of walking home with Mary Fachet from school :)

But Sunday really was one of the best days ever because not only did we have an epic family home evening, but the less active father of one of my favorite families came for the second time in 8 years! I love their family and I love teaching them. They always have great comments and they really allow the Spirit into their hearts and it's just amazing. My mom and brother received more details in their e-mails, but I don't have enough time here and now... I have to write my mission president.

I just know that we can't ever give up on people. Everyone has the hope of changing through the gospel. We cannot hold on to old conceptions of people or else they can't change. Through the Atonement we can do anything and the rest of us have to accept what Jesus Christ can do for other people, not just ourselves.

One of my favorite Christmas-y scriptures... Mosiah 3.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

1. So many of the people we visit have puppies!! Yay! This is the DeVillena family and the Jensens worked with us that evening. We had a good discussion about parents setting examples for kids and having family scripture study, and Marvin, their son came home toward the end of the lesson and we were just testifying to him about missionary work and encouraging him to go, especially Elder Jensen who took the picture.
2. We went to temple tour, even though the couple we were going to take cancelled on us. I ended up seeing members from my first area. These are people I haven't seen in 7 and a half months. I was so happy. Sister Patricio on my right worked with me and my companions in Antipolo Hills all the time and just always had such an enthusiasm about sharing her testimony. She's preparing to enter the temple and be sealed with her family by the end of this year or early next year. I'm praying that I'll be able to go with them before I go home!!
3. Sister Harston and I on the jeepney on the way back from temple tour with everyone sleeping around us. It's her first temple tour and about her fifth time on a jeepney :) Later this month we have the privilege of being the tour guides for the Christmas temple tour! December is so happy!!
4. We had an epic family home evening last night. This is the home of Alice Alonzo, she was baptized in June, I think, before I arrived to this area. She has a strong testimony and is trying to encourage all her relatives and the employees that work at her candle business to listen to us. She shared some nice closing remarks. Her daughter Laarni, who is married to a member that works abroad in China, will be baptized at the end of this month!!! She's pretty amazing and so is their family. Laarni's mother-in-law and sister-in-law came, too and helped out a lot with such a big group to handle :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Away in a sabsaban in the Philippines...

I'm not sure where to start except that my new companion is great. Sister Harston is focused on her purpose and so willing to try new things. (In mission terms I just want to announce that Sister Siufanua now has a granddaughter and Sister Ball has a great-granddaughter :) She's so sincere and is trying to memorize everyone's name at the same time worrying about Tagalog (which she's way more fluent than I was when I reached the field). We had a fun bonding experience yesterday with fish and shrimp. We're both not huge fans of seafood, but were offered dinner by some of our new investigators. I was explaining to Sister Hurston that here a lot of people will feed us and not eat with us; she brought it up that maybe that was a good thing in this case... And it ended up tasting pretty good. (By the way, when traveling from U.S. to the Philippines, you skip a day; she ended up skipping her birthday!!)

We have this one awesome investigator. He is retired military and he always has his own little parables to explain his beliefs to us. The Spirit was so strong at the beginning of our third lesson with him, but by the end he said if we invite him to become a member he will ask us to not return. So first we have to help him feel of the truth of the message and then his heart will change...

Church was a miracle with people coming that I didn't expect to see because I've been in Morong for three months now and this one  family and another individual have never come since I've been here. But they did this Sunday! It just reiterates the power of always having hope and never giving up on certain less actives.

I've been stressed about the training thing because I was silly thinking it was all on me, but I've felt the Holy Ghost guiding the lessons so much more. We had this interesting experience yesterday where we I'm pretty sure Satan was trying to keep us from watching the Restoration DVD, but finally after trying three or four DVD players and two TVs, we shared with Nanay Nora and Nanay Juanita, and they are both now preparing for baptism in January.

The Church is true. I guess I've gotten used to be in the Philippines, but Sister Harston helped remind me how organized and perfect the Church is as she bore her testimony on her first Sunday here. The gospel is the same whether you're in California, Maryland, the Missionary Training Center, or the Philippines. This is Christ's Church on earth restored through the prophet Joseph Smith.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope
1. Thanksgiving last Wednseday with the Millers was delicious complete with homemade mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, chicken (because you can't get turkey here), and maraschino cherry sauce (because there are no cranberries). They also made brownies, banana cream pie, and chocolate cake (request of Sister Suarez).
2. With Sister Harston this morning at the temple! Her first time, of course, at the Manila temple <3
3. With my MTC companion (we're still kabahay!) on the way back from our Thanksgiving lunch and admiring the sunset in the province... Happy times <3
4. Saying goodbye to my kambal (twin) at transfer meeting. She went back to her old area. She was so happy because she's not being transferred to a completely new area for her last transfer, but with people she already knows and loves :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Traveling alone...

Traveling alone...

So yesterday I got on a jeepney at 5:45 a.m. to travel to Quezon City... all by myself. I had to go to a meeting and had special permission, but on the ride there I ran into this one member who thought I was pasaway. On the way home I talked to this one lady who was very strict Roman Catholic, but when I showed her the quadruple scriptures (with the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price), she said, "Wow, completo." And we exchanged numbers and she gave her address and accepted a visit from the missionaries! Sweet!

Sister Roper will be transferring and I will be staying and training a new missionary. We were really hoping I'd be the one to kill her, but instead I am giving birth. That's the terminology we use in the mission for being someone's last companion and being someone's trainer... I'm going to miss her. She's so much fun, and the branch here loves her. But the Lord has more plans and different learning experiences for us.

We had an awesome last week and half together. Saturday we had two service projects. We went to the farm of our branch president and cleaned the pig pens and held piglets!!! And we planted kamoteng kahoy (cassava). The pictures are on Sister Roper's and Sister Biggs' cameras. Then because Sister Roper is a professional hair dresser, we had a "Parlor Day" with the Relief Society where she taught how to cut hair and gave lots of free haircuts. Everyone was really happy.

And some really great lessons with Laarni who will be baptized around Christmas. She's understanding it so well, and she's realized the gospel means change. Her testimony has grown so much because of the changes she's seen in herself.  And then with Chrisper who shared a piece of his testimony about how his baptism didn't feel complete until after his confirmation and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. The ordinances are soooooooooo real!

We also worked with the Jensens on Thursday and shared an article about gospel culture, and Elder Jensen shared the parable of the coyote. It was perfect.

I know that this gospel is also a gospel of happiness. It has the power to make us positive... IF we live it! I read this quote by Einstein that went something like... There are two ways to live. To see everything as miracle or to see nothing as a miracle. We choose to be happy through our perspective, and the gospel can help us change our perspective into an eternal and joyous one.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Pictures of the Week:

1. Bureros Family Home Evening :)
2. Fighting over the apple jacks!!! that the Lagnada family gave to us last week after our awesome family scripture study.
3. Temple tour with Ellen, new convert :)
4. Giant pizza that we ate last P-day with the Elders! "party" size... masarap.
5. With the San Juan Family. Love them to death!
6. Petting piglets at President Gica's farm <3
7. ( scope 008) I love my kambal!
8. ( scope 016) And I love these invesitgators... Ellen's cousin (Faye Ann), Ellen's mom (Nora), and Nora's apo :)
9. ( scope 019) Leading my companion off the steps of the Morong chapel for the last time. Parang engagement picture... Bahaha..
10. (scope 005) The lovely Pinoy CR (comfort room) of our apartment. Angsuwerte ni Sister Roper... maybe she'll be transferred somewhere with a toilet seat! :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Ipis, Lamok, at Aso.. Oh my!

This has been an amazing week. Just witnessing people grow closer to coming back. With one less active family, we helped them start their family scripture study. I'd never done it before except once with my brother when we were both living in Utah and joining the family of one of my friends back in Maryland. As I testified of it's importance, I really felt the Spirit. It's something I know makes a difference and I yearn to do with my own family when I get home.

We brought Ellen, who was baptized in September, to the temple for the first time. She was excited and really enjoyed herself. It's always special to go there. We also had the privilege of attending the baptism of an investigator in the other area of Morong and there were some serious complications, but the testimony he bore was powerful, and I could just feel that he was truly converted. Tapos we had an awesome family home evening about missionary with one of the more active families in the branch (who  has 3 kids that are mission age) and we invited one of the recent converts who is 22 and less active already and his investigator brother who is 18. The Spirit was definitely there and almost everyone participated.

One of my favorite lessons this week was this man we taught named Brother Perez. We were searching for a referral, and decided to ask directions from him. He invited us in and I just loved his attitude to learn and find out the truth. He had great questions. And told us a story from grade school where his teacher asked him a question and his classmate answered "I don't know." The teacher replied, "Don't say I don't know because there is a period and nothing happens. A better answer is, 'I will find out.' " So we applied this when we invited him to pray about the message we shared with him.

I know Heavenly Father does help us to find things out, if we ask in sincere prayer. Many times He has answered me so personally. Nandiyan Siya palagi and He loves us sooo much.

Mahal din ko kayo,
Sister Cope

P.S. I had tons of great pictures from our two family home evenings, temple tour, and pictures of this horrific cockroach bite I have. But I left my camera cord at home. I also got bit by a dog this week. But it was small and I'm taking antibiotics just in case. (that part is for my mom :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord...

From 11/05/12

I just received an e-mail from one of my good friends and Relief Society president of Pateros! She let me know that one of the daughters of a previously less active family (but now active na active!) is processing her papers. Her boyfriend was baptized a couple weeks after I left the area!!!! ahh! It's so amazing and happy and I am just excited!

We just returned from a zone activity to Daranack Falls. It was beautiful still, but off season so there wasn't as many people and the senior couples cooked for us! I also received mail that one of my friends is having a baby and another got her mission call to D.C. North. For friends who aren't from Maryland, that's the mission my home ward is in! Heavenly Father keeps moving his work forward each family and each missionary at a time! No unhallowed hand can stop the work, di ba?!

Our mission president encouraged us to go finding in the cemetery on All Saint's Day. One of the grandchildren of our less active passed away two weeks ago at just three months old and we visited the grave site  where we were able to introduce the plan of salvation to the mom and make plans to share more.

We also had a new Elder's Quorum President called!! We've been without one for about two months. It's interesting because I was just reading President Monson's talk about 'Seeing People As They Can Become' or something like that and the new EQP is still working on coming back to church and bam! Now he has a calling and it's amazing how Heavenly Father works to help us reach our potential.

He loves us so much and is listening to each prayer, and answers when we pray sincerely and with faith. We just need to open our mouth and have a heart-to-heart with Him. It's amazing the answers we receive.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Pictures of the week:
1. First Family Home Evening of the week with the Bolire Family!! Good night with good news! They started doing family prayer! Tatay was so proud to tell me. He was like, "Sister, you haven't asked yet if we had family prayer." I was beaming at them :D
2. At home making yema. There was some complications and it ended up looking like 'tae'... I'll let you figure out what that means in Tagalog :)
3. Halloween... Us Americanas had to stop by the nearest Save More and buy some candy for ourselves.
4. At the cemetery with the Castillo family. I asked permission first if it was respectful to take pictures. She asked for copies and the kids went around taking some pictures of their own, too.
5 - The second family home evening of the week with San Juan!!! Love them.
6 - Kabahay shot at Daranack <3
7. Sister Miller prepared barbeque chicken sandwiches and brought us chips and salsa!!! it's been too long. yummm.
8. The falls
9. 340 steps (round 2). I walked them back in March. Never thought I'd do it again!! Hala!! And this time I did it barefoot.

Happy Halloween!!

From 10/29/12
Except there is no Halloween here. There is something on November 1st, though, where everyone goes to the cemeteries and they have picnics at the grave sites of their loved ones. It's called All Saint's/Soul's Day.

Earlier this week, one of our members needed a blessing. Her husband is less active, and so Elder Jensen ended up giving the blessing with two other elders close to our area. On Sunday we talked to the wife, and her husband said, "I'm coming back to church. I should've been the one to give that blessing." Not to mention, she was feeling a lot better. It's powerful motivation to stay worthy of the priesthood authority. It's God's restored power here on the earth to act in Christ's name! 

1 Nephi 1: 20 And when the Jews heard these things they were angry with him; yea, even as with the prophets of old, whom they had acastout, and stoned, and slain; and they also bsought his life, that they might take it away. But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender cmercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of ddeliverance.

I just wanted to include this scripture because Heavenly Father always blesses me with tender mercies when I need it most. Even when Satan is doing everything to combine against us and bring us down, Christ's Atonement is there to lift us up and Heavenly Father is there to shower us with blessing. It is a great testimony to me of Their love for each of us.  

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I'm a Mormon. I know it. I live it. I love it

Not my favorite talk, but I like the phrase. There was a lot about service, di ba? That is one thing I learned coming into the field, how much we can do when we are not full-time missionaries. But there's different things that missionaries can do. But really there's so much more observing and serving we can do, and that we're expected to do, and that we covenanted to do. If we would just look at the people around us and love them, it would make a world of difference.

We talked about Elder Bednar's talk with one of our members that's returning back to church... testimony versus conversion. It's not just about what we know, it's how we came to know it and how we feel about what we know. It has to be way down deep in our heart. Taos-puso sa Tagalog. And then Elder Quentin L. Cook's talk centered around Alma 5: 26   And now behold, I say unto you, my brethren, if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?

We have to keep our conversions current.

So yep.. pretty much just soap boxing it up today because conference was the highlight of the week, and having more of our "less actives" and investigators come to the Saturday session than "active" members. Having living prophets, seers, and revelators are the best, and teaching people who understand that and want to see and know for themselves if it's true or not is amazing.

Also, my new companion is Sister Roper!! We're both short Americans so everybody thinks we're related. It's really fun. Sister Roper introduces us as kambal (twins) to all the people she's meeting. We've been kabahay before and we've been assigned in each other's areas and everyone gets us mixed up.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

So my mind is not very focused to write an e-mail right now. We received permission to stay longer at the internet shop and watch this:

I'm so excited for all the sisters that will be going now because the age to go on a mission is earlier. But like they emphasize it is definitely a decision to be made with Heavenly Father. It's great practice for the mission and the rest of our lives in seeking Heavenly Father's will. Ah!!! Missionary work is moving forward exponentially... It's so amazing. And the emphasis on personal preparation... The Book of Mormon and Preach My Gospel.

Sister Curtis and I had a good last week together. (She'll be transferring tomorrow...) 

First of all, last Tuesday. Powerful lesson with Brother Randy and Sister Jhoana. Sister is active and Brother has not gone to church for about 8 years, I think. The senior couple was with us (Elder and Sister Jensen). He has to work to provide for his family, and it's a real concern as Elder Jensen related to him so well, but with faith he will have enough to support his family if he doesn't work on Sunday. God's promises are soooo real. He even says to try him and see if He won't fulfill them in the scriptures. Of course, He will. God doesn't lie.

Wednesday, last week, we went through the temple with Tatay Anselmo (and another sister in the branch). He's 80 years old and he works with the missionaries everyday!! He was baptized last year and he just wants to share the gospel with everyone.

Then this Monday we had a sweet Family Home Evening with the DeVillina Family (one of our less actives families) and Dexter and Vanessa (investigators). There's no electricity where they live, but it was one of the happiest FHEs. Simple lesson, fun games, and Sister Vanessa made sopas for everyone. We brought fudgee bars and zesto (things they need to import to the United states because they're the best).

And because I'm in the Philippines we don't get to see general conference until the week after, so we've been teaching everyone about the living prophet and they have an opportunity to find out for themselves if he's really called of God. Sobang excited ako!!

Yan lang for now. I need to write my mission president.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

From October 1st

This week we had some really great experiences. We had an awesome planning session right after zone conference, which led to a powerful lesson. The Spirit definitely guided us, and we found concerns. The wife is active, but the husband is less active because of work and supporting his family. I felt prompted to share Alma 32:27 because he was saying he doesn't know how to start going in the right direction, but he definitely felt something missing... We paused and let him think about the scripture. I could see it as he re-read it, the Spirit spoke to him. He commented how clear it was that he needs to act on his good desires and faith. 

We also had a baptism. One of the older priesthood holders in our branch was performing the baptism, and it took three times for different reasons. I explained to Ellen, the baptizee, that ordinances have to be done perfectly, and the opportunity to re-teach that came on Sunday during sacrament. The sacrament prayer was repeated three times, and Ellen went through why her baptism wasn't right the first two times, and she just seemed a lot more comfortable with the idea. For my non-member friends and family. Ordiances are sacred ceremonies that signify entering into a covenant with God. Our prayers aren't memorized unless doing a prayer for sacrament (blessing of bread and water, baptism, confirmation, etc.)

Then we gave Sister Laarni a baptismal date. The Spirit was so strong and she said yes right away. She is understanding her assignments, and we want so bad for her husband to be there when he's home for two weeks in November. He works abroad in China, and is an active member there. We told her it really depends on her and if she's ready by then, and if she's received a testimony in her heart from Heavenly Father. And her sister in-law is an awesome fellowshipper. So happy.We don't force people to be baptized. In fact, it's horrible when people say they believe what we're saying and they haven't prayed about it. I know this is true, but I know that everyone has to know for themselves that it's true, not from other people. That goes for every principle and doctrine of the gospel. James 1:5, siyempre!

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Monday, September 24, 2012

Temple Again !!!!

Good groove this week, and Saturday we got to go to temple tour!!! The investigator we brought was so excited and brought her cousin and her daughter's nanny, too. And we took lots of pictures, but I forgot the cord to my camera today... And we watched this one video about temples that tells of the sacrifice of this one family to get sealed and it's in Tagalog, and it's just so powerful. Here it is in English:

We also had the privilege to attend a baptism. So there are four sisters in this branch; Sister Curtis and I cover half the area, and Sister Biggs and Sister Suarez cover the other half. It's big. So anyway they had a father and daughter baptized in their area, and I just never realized how special baptisms are before. But someone is making promises with God and we get to witness it. It's amazing. And the father bore a really powerful and sincere testimony after, and the daughter's was simple and sweet.

I want to share everything, but some things just can't be said over the internet, and I need to e-mail my mission president, but soap box of the week (ha): If there is ever a baptism in your ward or branch (or if you're a non-member and you have a friend invite you :), go to it. They need that support, and it's not just special for them, but it will be special for you, too, if you listen and observe the Spirit.
Also I heard from one of my close friends today, who is serving in Taiwan, and I just love what she said, and want to share it: "Our Savior truly loves us. If we believe that, or even just desire to believe that is true, it can change everything about the way we live our lives." It's true. I've seen the love of God and His Son work miracles in peoples lives, and in mine.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Joy of the Temple

Where do I start? I had the privilege of going to the temple this week with one of the sisters I knew from my first area in Antipolo. She was baptized in May 2011 so when I arrived in the mission she was a recent convert that we taught once in a while, but worked with about every other day. She is amazing, and I love her, and on Saturday, September 15 she went through the temple. We took a jeepney from Morong to Antipolo and I got to see a couple of the branch members and we carpooled to the temple. It was so happy, and this is what the mission is all about. It's not about baptisms and numbers, it's about helping people become truly converted, enter the temple, and stay active in the Church and in the gospel for the rest of their lives (hanggang wakas)! I love that it's the focus of our mission right now. Our mission president really is seeking the guidance of Heavenly Father to guide the work here in Quezon City.

One another thing I want to mention is that we had this one lesson where I felt just so strongly about what we needed to share. It was a less active family that I was meeting for the first time, and Sister Curtis wasn't sure how to help them because they're not progressing. I really felt like Heavenly Father had opened the windows of heaven and gave me a portion of His love for them. They're still not progressing, but there is hope.

Nothing else really because the temple experience with Sister Rollyna kind of trumps everything. But I've been trying to open my mouth more and get over my fear of talking to random people. I've prayed and asked Heavenly Father to help people approach us because I can't always recognize who exactly to contact. After church on Sunday, we were on a jeepney, and this guy asked us about who we were and then we were talking to three people at once so it was way cool. We didn't have time to give them pamphlets, but we invited them to attend church in their different areas. Also, on our way back from Antipolo to Morong, we could not get a jeepney. They were packed with people going home for the weekend. This one guy helped us for almost an hour, and we found out he'd been taught before and referred him to the missionaries who cover his area. People are prepared we just have to be ready to share the gospel, and we need to already be sharing it through our example.

Happy Monday and Mahal ko kayo!
Sister Cope

Pictures!!! (I have a camera now!!! courtesy of my lovely mga magulang/parents :)
1. Eating no-bake-cookies with our district at our meeting this morning.
2. At the temple with the sisters and members of San Isidro 2 Branch!!!! Sister Rollyna is the one in the middle. We were all there for her.
3. Sister Rollyna and I. I haven't seen her in 7 months. It was amazing to have the privilege of attending her temple service.
4. Me, Eliza Del Val (the branch president's wife), Sister Balao (gospel principles teacher), Sister Rollyna, Sister Madelo (who was a branch missionary when I was there), and Sister Glaffy (the Relief Society president). I love these people so much, and I feel so blessed that I got to see them again. There is always hope of getting transferred back to a previous area, though...
5. The rice fields of Morong. 
6. Dexter, Vanessa, and Yanni. One of our investigator families.
7. Waiting in the rain for two hours for a jeepney from Antipolo to Morong before calling the Jensen couple to give us a ride, after going to the temple.
8. Goats! They ran away when Sister Curtis was taking her picture with them, and said "Picture tayo!" Haha...