Monday, September 24, 2012

Temple Again !!!!

Good groove this week, and Saturday we got to go to temple tour!!! The investigator we brought was so excited and brought her cousin and her daughter's nanny, too. And we took lots of pictures, but I forgot the cord to my camera today... And we watched this one video about temples that tells of the sacrifice of this one family to get sealed and it's in Tagalog, and it's just so powerful. Here it is in English:

We also had the privilege to attend a baptism. So there are four sisters in this branch; Sister Curtis and I cover half the area, and Sister Biggs and Sister Suarez cover the other half. It's big. So anyway they had a father and daughter baptized in their area, and I just never realized how special baptisms are before. But someone is making promises with God and we get to witness it. It's amazing. And the father bore a really powerful and sincere testimony after, and the daughter's was simple and sweet.

I want to share everything, but some things just can't be said over the internet, and I need to e-mail my mission president, but soap box of the week (ha): If there is ever a baptism in your ward or branch (or if you're a non-member and you have a friend invite you :), go to it. They need that support, and it's not just special for them, but it will be special for you, too, if you listen and observe the Spirit.
Also I heard from one of my close friends today, who is serving in Taiwan, and I just love what she said, and want to share it: "Our Savior truly loves us. If we believe that, or even just desire to believe that is true, it can change everything about the way we live our lives." It's true. I've seen the love of God and His Son work miracles in peoples lives, and in mine.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

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