Monday, September 10, 2012


"And Joshua said unto the people, Sanctify yourselves: for to morrow the Lord will do wonders among you."

Just a really great scripture from Joshua chapter 3. It was in a talk we were asked to read by Elder Bednar, and we reviewed it today in our zone meeting. I know it's true because I've seen the difference in the work and noticed the presence of the Holy Spirit that much stronger when I'm striving harder for exact obedience. When we keep our promises to God, He keeps His promises to us.

Last night we had the privilege of working with one of the senior couples in our mission. They're actually in their early 50s, and they take turns working with all the missionaries. Their experience with families brings a whole different dimension to the lessons. They were able to share about mistakes they've made as parents and how they overcame them through the gospel. It was especially good as many of our lessons yesterday were to less actives that are returning and preparing to enter the temple. Plus, it means we had an Elder with us and he was able to give two priesthood blessings while we were out working. The Lord's work is amazing.

Not to mention, Heavenly Father's timing. We're teaching this one sister. Her mom is a recent convert and her mother-in-law is active and temple worthy. Her husband works abroad, but is active there in Macaw, and he will be coming home at the end of October. She's already been going to church with her mom and in-lawas and she's reading. So if we help her prepare in time, she can be baptized by her husband during the two weeks he is home. That will be so special for the both of them. We taught her about the Restoration and invited her to be baptized, but haven't given her a date yet.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Pictures of the week (Courtesy of Sister Curtis' camera):
1. You can't see the background that well, but there are rice fields and mountains here in Morong.
2. At the Montano family's home with lots of their little neighbors, and Sister Jensen.
3. Brother and Sister Jensen made us breakfast this morning for zone meeting. Sister Jensen just turned 50 on Saturday and they treated us!
4. The zone! (It covers Teresa, Tanay, Binangonan, Morong at Malaya... which is malayo... :)
5.My new companion, Sister Curtis, along with Elder Petersen, who is a batch before coming into the mission, and Elder Ochavo, who I've been ka-zone with before in Antipolo and Pasig. Sobrang masaya,

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