Monday, November 5, 2012

mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord...

From 11/05/12

I just received an e-mail from one of my good friends and Relief Society president of Pateros! She let me know that one of the daughters of a previously less active family (but now active na active!) is processing her papers. Her boyfriend was baptized a couple weeks after I left the area!!!! ahh! It's so amazing and happy and I am just excited!

We just returned from a zone activity to Daranack Falls. It was beautiful still, but off season so there wasn't as many people and the senior couples cooked for us! I also received mail that one of my friends is having a baby and another got her mission call to D.C. North. For friends who aren't from Maryland, that's the mission my home ward is in! Heavenly Father keeps moving his work forward each family and each missionary at a time! No unhallowed hand can stop the work, di ba?!

Our mission president encouraged us to go finding in the cemetery on All Saint's Day. One of the grandchildren of our less active passed away two weeks ago at just three months old and we visited the grave site  where we were able to introduce the plan of salvation to the mom and make plans to share more.

We also had a new Elder's Quorum President called!! We've been without one for about two months. It's interesting because I was just reading President Monson's talk about 'Seeing People As They Can Become' or something like that and the new EQP is still working on coming back to church and bam! Now he has a calling and it's amazing how Heavenly Father works to help us reach our potential.

He loves us so much and is listening to each prayer, and answers when we pray sincerely and with faith. We just need to open our mouth and have a heart-to-heart with Him. It's amazing the answers we receive.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Pictures of the week:
1. First Family Home Evening of the week with the Bolire Family!! Good night with good news! They started doing family prayer! Tatay was so proud to tell me. He was like, "Sister, you haven't asked yet if we had family prayer." I was beaming at them :D
2. At home making yema. There was some complications and it ended up looking like 'tae'... I'll let you figure out what that means in Tagalog :)
3. Halloween... Us Americanas had to stop by the nearest Save More and buy some candy for ourselves.
4. At the cemetery with the Castillo family. I asked permission first if it was respectful to take pictures. She asked for copies and the kids went around taking some pictures of their own, too.
5 - The second family home evening of the week with San Juan!!! Love them.
6 - Kabahay shot at Daranack <3
7. Sister Miller prepared barbeque chicken sandwiches and brought us chips and salsa!!! it's been too long. yummm.
8. The falls
9. 340 steps (round 2). I walked them back in March. Never thought I'd do it again!! Hala!! And this time I did it barefoot.

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