Monday, November 12, 2012

Ipis, Lamok, at Aso.. Oh my!

This has been an amazing week. Just witnessing people grow closer to coming back. With one less active family, we helped them start their family scripture study. I'd never done it before except once with my brother when we were both living in Utah and joining the family of one of my friends back in Maryland. As I testified of it's importance, I really felt the Spirit. It's something I know makes a difference and I yearn to do with my own family when I get home.

We brought Ellen, who was baptized in September, to the temple for the first time. She was excited and really enjoyed herself. It's always special to go there. We also had the privilege of attending the baptism of an investigator in the other area of Morong and there were some serious complications, but the testimony he bore was powerful, and I could just feel that he was truly converted. Tapos we had an awesome family home evening about missionary with one of the more active families in the branch (who  has 3 kids that are mission age) and we invited one of the recent converts who is 22 and less active already and his investigator brother who is 18. The Spirit was definitely there and almost everyone participated.

One of my favorite lessons this week was this man we taught named Brother Perez. We were searching for a referral, and decided to ask directions from him. He invited us in and I just loved his attitude to learn and find out the truth. He had great questions. And told us a story from grade school where his teacher asked him a question and his classmate answered "I don't know." The teacher replied, "Don't say I don't know because there is a period and nothing happens. A better answer is, 'I will find out.' " So we applied this when we invited him to pray about the message we shared with him.

I know Heavenly Father does help us to find things out, if we ask in sincere prayer. Many times He has answered me so personally. Nandiyan Siya palagi and He loves us sooo much.

Mahal din ko kayo,
Sister Cope

P.S. I had tons of great pictures from our two family home evenings, temple tour, and pictures of this horrific cockroach bite I have. But I left my camera cord at home. I also got bit by a dog this week. But it was small and I'm taking antibiotics just in case. (that part is for my mom :)

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