Wednesday, October 10, 2012

So my mind is not very focused to write an e-mail right now. We received permission to stay longer at the internet shop and watch this:

I'm so excited for all the sisters that will be going now because the age to go on a mission is earlier. But like they emphasize it is definitely a decision to be made with Heavenly Father. It's great practice for the mission and the rest of our lives in seeking Heavenly Father's will. Ah!!! Missionary work is moving forward exponentially... It's so amazing. And the emphasis on personal preparation... The Book of Mormon and Preach My Gospel.

Sister Curtis and I had a good last week together. (She'll be transferring tomorrow...) 

First of all, last Tuesday. Powerful lesson with Brother Randy and Sister Jhoana. Sister is active and Brother has not gone to church for about 8 years, I think. The senior couple was with us (Elder and Sister Jensen). He has to work to provide for his family, and it's a real concern as Elder Jensen related to him so well, but with faith he will have enough to support his family if he doesn't work on Sunday. God's promises are soooo real. He even says to try him and see if He won't fulfill them in the scriptures. Of course, He will. God doesn't lie.

Wednesday, last week, we went through the temple with Tatay Anselmo (and another sister in the branch). He's 80 years old and he works with the missionaries everyday!! He was baptized last year and he just wants to share the gospel with everyone.

Then this Monday we had a sweet Family Home Evening with the DeVillina Family (one of our less actives families) and Dexter and Vanessa (investigators). There's no electricity where they live, but it was one of the happiest FHEs. Simple lesson, fun games, and Sister Vanessa made sopas for everyone. We brought fudgee bars and zesto (things they need to import to the United states because they're the best).

And because I'm in the Philippines we don't get to see general conference until the week after, so we've been teaching everyone about the living prophet and they have an opportunity to find out for themselves if he's really called of God. Sobang excited ako!!

Yan lang for now. I need to write my mission president.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

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