Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012!

This week I've been learning about how attitude is everything. Sometimes things don't go according to plan and people hurt your feelings whether directly or indirectly (like not keeping commitments), but I noticed that as I stayed positive everything I became genuinely happy again, and if I let things discourage me to much it affected my interactions and the work, etc. To have the Spirit with you always is legitimately hard, but I notice as I keep a softened heart and I listen more to those who are talking the inspiration comes as to what to do and say when I need it. It's amazing to witness scriptures come to pass with promises fulfilled as I try harder. Heavenly Father really has given me scriptures in the moment I need them through the power of the Holy Ghost.

New Year's Eve was amazing here. We had to be in our house by 6 p.m. because everyone here does fireworks and it's delicado (dangerous). But it was so noisy that, of course, we couldn't sleep so we watched fireworks dot the view from our window. Three out of four of us will be here for all of 2012 and we just said to each other that we were going to make it count. And we had the Mormon Tabernacle Choir playing in the background, and I just know that this year is going to be a good year, especially with this focus on less-actives.

Speaking of which, we had this great family home evening with one of the families that's struggling to go to church every week. But I could really see how the gospel and spending time together has improved the spirit in their home in just a short time--and they came to sacrament on New Year's Day! I'm really close to the mother because we've taught her the most and I can see how much her family's happiness and strength in the gospel affects her.

Funny story and then I'll close... We gave the word of wisdom pamphlet to a potential investigator, and he was smoking while he read it. Haha... :)

Anyway... I know that families are central to the gospel of Jesus Christ. We need each other's support to make it back to our Heavenly Father. And as families we can attain a higher degree of happiness. And, of course, the Atonement of Jesus Christ makes it all possible. I know that the priesthood authority to seal families on earth and heaven is real. I know that it is essential for our eternal happiness.

Happy new year friends and family! Mahal ko kayo.

Sister Cope'

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