Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Attitude is everything... and so is the book of mormon :)

Happy Tuesday, family and friends!

I feel like the mission is this accelerated course about life. I learn so much every week. This week in particular about how attitude is everything. I know it's kind of cheesy, but I'm realizing how true the idea is of 10% of our lives is circumstance and 90% is our attitude/reactions. Sometimes when things are hard you just have to choose to be happy, and it really makes all the difference. I am choosing to be happy and things have been going so much better than earlier this month.

I have 9 minutes sooo... really quick. The San Agustin's are amazing. (Converts baptized on Christmas Eve) They are developing amazing testimonies of the Book of Mormon as they read it everyday. Brother San Agustin said that he's understanding it not just in his mind, but as it enters into his heart.

The progressing investigators we have are starting to understand the idea of acting on faith and I can see their testimonies growing, and it's a beautiful thing to witness. The other day we taught to an investigator of about 6 months, and she told us about the decision to go to church. She said something along the lines of "Jubert wouldn't go with me [that's her asawa]. Joanne was sick [that's her baby]. It was raining, and I didn't have money for kamasahe. But I knew I had to go." Then she described how she was happy having gone and described the blessings she had received from going.

We've been going back to the basics with our less-active members and focusing on the Restoration his week. We've seen the power of this in the lessons. After one of the lessons, Sister Matuauto exclaimed, "It's all about the Restoration." It helps invite the Spirit and bring to remembrance things once taught and the reason they were probably baptized in the first place.

Right now we're reading the Book of Mormon before Easter as a mission.I'm finishing up 2nd Nephi and I've realized some great applications of the Book of Mormon to the less actives. I definitely want to get them all reading for themselves. I can only imagine the spirit it will bring into their lives and the changes they're capable of making as a result. I also skipped ahead to some of the stories that they mentioned in the broadcast like Alma the younger trying to reclaim the apostate Zoramites, and it's nice to know there's an example in the scriptures to follow. It reminds me of the talk I read by President Eyring earlier this week, "A Witness." Even the modern prophets look to the prophets of old to guide them in their work. It adds power to the truth of the Book of Mormon, and it helps me to realize the Church really is made up of ordinary people that sometimes just really magnify their calling. It's something I want to work on continually--being a fully dedicated and consecrated servant of the Lord.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Lame Picture of the week... what I had done to my scriptures :)

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