Monday, July 30, 2012

Slowing Down.....

I mentioned this, I think, last time, but our mission president is always telling us to slow down in our lessons. I've been watching Sister Daclan during the lessons (because she is very good at this), and as I've applied it, I've noticed so much more guidance from the Spirit. In a couple lessons I just thought, "Wow! That did not come from me." It's lessons I've taught hundreds of times, but the Holy Ghost has given new ideas on how to explain it.

And I feel like Heavenly Father is really trusting Sister Daclan and I because we finally met the husband of one of our less actives who is always working. We taught  them about temples and introduced the Restoration and have an appointment which we're praying will become regular. Also on our way from district meeting our tricycle driver asked us about judgment and had these other great questions and his interest and sincerity are just this different level. He told us some of his expectations so we're going to really prepare because these are one of those people it says in the scriptures that are searching for the truth and know not where to find it.

Temple tour was a great experience as well. We were able to get there earlier, and it was very reverent. We brought one of our less active families. Their son isn't baptized yet, and they're preparing to enter the temple next year. They've become very active, and Sister works with us and is always reading her scriptures. Sister Sarmiento gave them a picture of the temple before she left, and when their son saw the picture he said, "If I get to go there, I'll start listening seriously to the missionaries." So he played games on their cell phone for a bit of the tour, but as it progressed, he listened more and asked us about the inside. The Spirit is always very strong there on the temple grounds. I think it strengthened the mother's desire to help her family get sealed.

And this one less active family that hasn't gone to church the whole time I've been assigned here in Pasig finally came. And the daughter brought her boyfriend who is investigating the church. He has a baptismal date in September. It's exciting. Heavenly Father is answering our prayers in behalf of these people.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

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