Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lean not unto thine own understanding

God does not give us any thing more than what we can handle. I run into a lot of people who have given up--less actives giving up on the gospel when a trial is too big, missionaries going home early because they don't think they're helping anyone, active members not visiting less actives because they think there is no hope of them coming back to church. Heavenly Father has the eternal perspective. When we give up, we're trusting in our own knowledge and not relying on God and having faith in His timetable, His will, His way.

Also something I learned this week in my personal study from the depressing book of Ether (in the Book of Mormon), sometimes it is too late. One person decided to repent, but the rest of the civilization was destroyed, and he 'refused to be comforted.' (Ether 15:1-3, 19) But at the same time, it is never too late as long as the Lord of the Vineyard says there is still time. (Jeffrey R. Holland, April 2012 General Conference) The Atonement is real and has the beautiful power of helping us become new people. "However late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don't have, or however far from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ's Atonement shines."

Ah. Sorry for the soap boxes... I had some very happy news this week. First of all, I was exposed to TB, but not enough to get into my system. I had to go to the doctor's near the temple and church offices in Quezon City to be checked, and then Sister Sarmiento and I went and ate at the cafeteria in the temple patron housing. While there I saw one person from each of my old areas. The first told me more about Brother Pol (Quirino 1) and how many friends he had at Church. He's the one I taught and was transferred three weeks before his baptismal date. The second person was from the San Isidro Ward. (I served in the San Isidro Branch.) He told me that one of my converts, Brother Rey, moved into their area right after I was transferred out of Antipolo, but when I left he had gone less active. I was happy to hear that he is regularly attending church again.

As for my current area, we have been praying and fasting for the Borre family. We held a Family Home Evening with them, and I know the Bishop visited them within this past week. All six of them that are members (the mom and five children), made it to church yesterday. It was so happy. It's a different feeling to go to church for other people. Siyempre we take the sacrament to review our personal covenants with God, but then as missionaries, we're busy about worrying who made it, who didn't and why. It is the most heartbreaking part of the week when they don't come, and the pinakatamis when they do. And we had one of our returning members bring her non-member son and his friend! Masaya na masaya.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

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