Monday, July 2, 2012

Head, Heart and Knees

Head, heart, and knees--the fundamentals of missionary work, i.e. knowledge, charity, and humility (from our district meeting this morning :)

Great week, but no time to tell about it so I'll pick my favorite part...

We had another temple tour this Saturday and our investigators that we invited almost didn't show up. We waited in 7-eleven, contacted a family, and on the way to go to their house, they passed us on a tricycle. So we were still able to go.

I had the opportunity to see one of the ward missionaries from Quirino, and she updated me on her mission papers that she will be sending in next week!!! I also saw one of my investigators from Quirino, Brother Pol, who Sister Goud and I took to temple tour when we were together. He told me that he would be baptized at 4 o'clock later that day, and that he would be participating with the Young Men in a musical number at the ward social later that night. Amazing. There really is no joy like that of sharing the gospel. Don't be shy to talk to your friends ("naturally and normally" in the words of one of the apostles that spoke this past general conference). We've been so focused on less actives that our mission president is reminding us to talk to everyone, and I was really scared at first, but it's been a really good experience. We know the truth so we need to share it. At our zone conference this past week, we did a practice teaching where we had to pretend that the two minutes we had would be the only time this person would ever come in contact with the gospel. It was powerful.

I know the Church is true and there is no need to be ashamed. We should have desires like Alma the younger in Alma chapter 28 verse 1. "Oh that I were an angel!" to spread the gospel. But we don't need to be angels. As members we have the gift of the Holy Ghost. As we live worthy, we have guidance everyday (including guidance to know which of our friends are ready)!

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

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