Monday, July 30, 2012

Slowing Down.....

I mentioned this, I think, last time, but our mission president is always telling us to slow down in our lessons. I've been watching Sister Daclan during the lessons (because she is very good at this), and as I've applied it, I've noticed so much more guidance from the Spirit. In a couple lessons I just thought, "Wow! That did not come from me." It's lessons I've taught hundreds of times, but the Holy Ghost has given new ideas on how to explain it.

And I feel like Heavenly Father is really trusting Sister Daclan and I because we finally met the husband of one of our less actives who is always working. We taught  them about temples and introduced the Restoration and have an appointment which we're praying will become regular. Also on our way from district meeting our tricycle driver asked us about judgment and had these other great questions and his interest and sincerity are just this different level. He told us some of his expectations so we're going to really prepare because these are one of those people it says in the scriptures that are searching for the truth and know not where to find it.

Temple tour was a great experience as well. We were able to get there earlier, and it was very reverent. We brought one of our less active families. Their son isn't baptized yet, and they're preparing to enter the temple next year. They've become very active, and Sister works with us and is always reading her scriptures. Sister Sarmiento gave them a picture of the temple before she left, and when their son saw the picture he said, "If I get to go there, I'll start listening seriously to the missionaries." So he played games on their cell phone for a bit of the tour, but as it progressed, he listened more and asked us about the inside. The Spirit is always very strong there on the temple grounds. I think it strengthened the mother's desire to help her family get sealed.

And this one less active family that hasn't gone to church the whole time I've been assigned here in Pasig finally came. And the daughter brought her boyfriend who is investigating the church. He has a baptismal date in September. It's exciting. Heavenly Father is answering our prayers in behalf of these people.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Monday, July 23, 2012

7 Minutes!!!!

So I spent my e-mail time looking at pictures of my new companion in Mindoro... But my new companion isn't actually new. It's Sister Daclan!!! We were kabahay for three transfers in Antipolo and companions for 2 weeks when my trainer, Sister Siufanua, went home. She is amazing and is exactly what Heavenly Father knows I need at this time. She brings a calmness to the work and a spirit of love for the people. Our mission president keeps telling us to slow down the lessons, and I'm learning so much from her about that.

There's been this one family that, to be honest, I've had a hard time loving. Sobrang makulit ang mga bata, pero we were able to invite the Spirit kahit konte. There is a big difference in taking the time to teach and not rushing from principle to principle in teaching. (And being patient and understanding of the situation. Even though I'm about to hit my year mark, there's still a lot of learning to be done.) But it's like the article from July 2012's Liahona, "The Lesson is in the Learner." It's not about covering material, it's about helping people feel and know what is true. It's hard to do. It's easy enough to say words in Tagalog, but to help people be truly converted in their hearts and understand the gravity of the Restoration, it takes the power of the Holy Ghost. It can't be done by just the missionaries. A lot of people will believe the words we say, and we told one of our investigators, "We're worried when people don't ask questions!" The events that provided for the publication of the Book of Mormon and the return of the Priesthood, the power that literally comes from God, are miraculous. You can't figure it out logically; faith is required... And a confirmation through the Holy Ghost after sincere prayer.

Whether you are a member or not, read the Book of Mormon, ask if it's true, and God will tell you. All of us have those moments where our testimonies get weaker, but if we regularly read and ask, there won't be doubt. Saligang bato siya. (It's the cornerstone... of the Church.) We teach tons of less actives that don't have testimonies, and this is the key. Even I, as a missionary, am in the process of doing this.

Tapos, speaking of priesthood earlier, we were able to teach one of our investigators about priesthood blessings and offer a blessing for her baby. Two of the return missionaries in our ward went over there after church to administer the blessing. We'll check up on them tomorrow, but I know that if it's God's will, the baby will be healed because that power and authority from God is real.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

P.S. Pasaway ako... I extended my time to finish writing what I wanted :)

Friday, July 20, 2012

More than a transfer...

So I'm blessed to stay in my current area longer than just one transfer. Sister Sarmiento will be leaving me, though. She's been here four months, and this was her first area when she first arrived in the mission. She's ready for a change, but I'll be sad to see her go. She's a really hard worker, humble, and brings the power of the Holy Ghost when she bears her testimony.

Yesterday actually we had a sweet experience of being the instruments in God's hands to answer the prayers of one of the families in our ward. We had plans to visit this one less active, but felt to go to another in a different area. She wasn't home, so we stopped at the home of a nearby family and left a prayer because they were eating dinner. Sister Sarmiento suggested to go to another family with that area. My initial thought was they have been reactived for a while. They have callings, they're going to church regularly, they're preparing to enter the temple, etc. But I'm so glad Sister Sarmiento suggested it because we arrived, and the mom said she had been questioning God's love for her because of the trials that had come into their life recently. We taught about hope and faith frpm Moroni 7 and how it's all about trusting in the Atonement of Jesus Christ to make things right or to help make us stronger, and in the timing of Heavenly Father. She was crying, and her son was really cute and chimed in, "Be strong!"

Tapos... Sister Sarmiento and I had been studying the talk of Richard G. Scott from April General Conference about receiving inspiration and revelation this past week. He talks about dreams being one way God answers prayers and He'll use people we love and respect to reveal truths to us within our dreams. So it was the coolest thing when we were teaching one of our less actives and following up on his prayers. We had invited him to pray to know that Thomas S. Monson is God's living prophet on the earth. He said he dreamed about his old bishop teaching about President Monson, and I excitedly pulled out the conference edition of the Liahona and shared that part of Elder Scott's talk. Ah! The gospel is so real. It's not just some religion that people created to have purpose in life. It's from God and if we apply it, we can be happier. I know this. I see it week after week. And I know that Heavenly Father has not changed, and still calls prophets now like He did in Biblical times. But we need to listen to them and follow their counsel or it's all for naught.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lean not unto thine own understanding

God does not give us any thing more than what we can handle. I run into a lot of people who have given up--less actives giving up on the gospel when a trial is too big, missionaries going home early because they don't think they're helping anyone, active members not visiting less actives because they think there is no hope of them coming back to church. Heavenly Father has the eternal perspective. When we give up, we're trusting in our own knowledge and not relying on God and having faith in His timetable, His will, His way.

Also something I learned this week in my personal study from the depressing book of Ether (in the Book of Mormon), sometimes it is too late. One person decided to repent, but the rest of the civilization was destroyed, and he 'refused to be comforted.' (Ether 15:1-3, 19) But at the same time, it is never too late as long as the Lord of the Vineyard says there is still time. (Jeffrey R. Holland, April 2012 General Conference) The Atonement is real and has the beautiful power of helping us become new people. "However late you think you are, however many chances you think you have missed, however many mistakes you feel you have made or talents you think you don't have, or however far from home and family and God you feel you have traveled, I testify that you have not traveled beyond the reach of divine love. It is not possible for you to sink lower than the infinite light of Christ's Atonement shines."

Ah. Sorry for the soap boxes... I had some very happy news this week. First of all, I was exposed to TB, but not enough to get into my system. I had to go to the doctor's near the temple and church offices in Quezon City to be checked, and then Sister Sarmiento and I went and ate at the cafeteria in the temple patron housing. While there I saw one person from each of my old areas. The first told me more about Brother Pol (Quirino 1) and how many friends he had at Church. He's the one I taught and was transferred three weeks before his baptismal date. The second person was from the San Isidro Ward. (I served in the San Isidro Branch.) He told me that one of my converts, Brother Rey, moved into their area right after I was transferred out of Antipolo, but when I left he had gone less active. I was happy to hear that he is regularly attending church again.

As for my current area, we have been praying and fasting for the Borre family. We held a Family Home Evening with them, and I know the Bishop visited them within this past week. All six of them that are members (the mom and five children), made it to church yesterday. It was so happy. It's a different feeling to go to church for other people. Siyempre we take the sacrament to review our personal covenants with God, but then as missionaries, we're busy about worrying who made it, who didn't and why. It is the most heartbreaking part of the week when they don't come, and the pinakatamis when they do. And we had one of our returning members bring her non-member son and his friend! Masaya na masaya.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Monday, July 2, 2012

Head, Heart and Knees

Head, heart, and knees--the fundamentals of missionary work, i.e. knowledge, charity, and humility (from our district meeting this morning :)

Great week, but no time to tell about it so I'll pick my favorite part...

We had another temple tour this Saturday and our investigators that we invited almost didn't show up. We waited in 7-eleven, contacted a family, and on the way to go to their house, they passed us on a tricycle. So we were still able to go.

I had the opportunity to see one of the ward missionaries from Quirino, and she updated me on her mission papers that she will be sending in next week!!! I also saw one of my investigators from Quirino, Brother Pol, who Sister Goud and I took to temple tour when we were together. He told me that he would be baptized at 4 o'clock later that day, and that he would be participating with the Young Men in a musical number at the ward social later that night. Amazing. There really is no joy like that of sharing the gospel. Don't be shy to talk to your friends ("naturally and normally" in the words of one of the apostles that spoke this past general conference). We've been so focused on less actives that our mission president is reminding us to talk to everyone, and I was really scared at first, but it's been a really good experience. We know the truth so we need to share it. At our zone conference this past week, we did a practice teaching where we had to pretend that the two minutes we had would be the only time this person would ever come in contact with the gospel. It was powerful.

I know the Church is true and there is no need to be ashamed. We should have desires like Alma the younger in Alma chapter 28 verse 1. "Oh that I were an angel!" to spread the gospel. But we don't need to be angels. As members we have the gift of the Holy Ghost. As we live worthy, we have guidance everyday (including guidance to know which of our friends are ready)!

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope