Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dito pa !!!!

Transfer day is tomorrow and I'm staying in Antipolo! There's another elder from my batch who has been here as long as I have and he's getting anxious to leave, but I actually feel really blessed because Heavenly Father is giving me another chance to make a difference here and for myself. I will be finding out who my new companion is tomorrow...

A cool story about my recent converts, the San Agustins. They were going to the palengke on Sunday mornings before church so we decided to teach them Sabbath day again. My companion presented the dos and don'ts forth right, and Brother gets it (in his mind and in his heart). He talked about how they were discussing the rest day for their business and he had brought up "dapat linggo." As we re-committed them to keep the Sabbath day holy, Sister was saying she would try, but Brother was explaining to her how black and white it was, and bearing his testimony. It's been amazing to see how he's grown and how strong his conviction is in the gospel.

This past week we've been involved in MTC tours. They just remodeled the Philippines Missionary Training Center, and it is sooo nice. We were able to show it to members and potential missionaries, and bear our testimonies of missionary work. It was a special opportunity.

I've used my time with family e-mails, but I know this is where I'm supposed to be and what I'm supposed to be doing. I feel it as I see the spirit directing the work and helping us to help others come unto Christ and change their lives. I know God does not leave us alone, but that He wants our success and helps us to achieve it through the gifts he's given us (the people around us, the scriptures, the Holy Ghost, strengths AND weaknesses, etc.).

I love you all. When in doubt, pray.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Pictures of the Week:
1. Christian and I after stake conference. He's a ward missionary in the stake that would always come to our district meetings. He just got his mission call and will be entering the Philippines MTC in April and head to the Bacolod mission!
2. My zone at the end of my fourth transfer. Three of them will be moving tomorrow to different areas, but it's been a good group.
3. A better idea of where I'm at :)
4. Some of the elders posing at the MTC. Silly sila.
5. Going through the city on a jeepney and getting to see this at the end of a tiring day of tours. Ahhh-mazing.
6. <3

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