Monday, March 5, 2012

Arthur or Dragon Tales?

"Put a smile on your face and make the world a better place."

Sometimes "trunky" thoughts save the day. I was singing a hymn, and then this came to mind. And it changed a situation for the better. It's all about attitude.

So last week at the mission tour conference we talked about teaching doctrine instead of calling the less actives back to church. As they understand the why of the gospel, they'll want to come back on their own. So we've eased up on the invites to church. And then Sunday happened... 8 less actives came!!!! And it wasn't us! The members picked up Sister Contaoi, who had a stroke, and Sister Benitez, who is over 80. They encouraged and didn't give up on Manny and Jackie Remeticado. The Lanot daughters told us they wanted to go to church when we last visited them, and then they just did it. Oshin Tan would come all the time if she could, and she was able to this week. Paul Marquez has a testimony, he just doesn't know it, but he's pushing himself and coming anyway. It always comes back to the individual. The gospel has to be a part of your heart and soul, and Heavenly Father will call you back, not people... And then it's the responsibility of the members to make them feel welcomed, and they did, and it was just really happy.

Three out of those eight bore their testimonies, and it was powerful. I was sitting in sacrament yesterday thinking on whether I should share or not, and I realized, "It has to be the members." There are times when I am moved upon by the Spirit to speak, but yesterday I just knew. They are the ones who hold the real power in strengthening their branch. They have to visit each other. They need to be the ones to share their testimonies with each other. It was a great sabbath and I felt truly blessed to have witnessed this miracle. The spirit was there in abundance and I can see the love growing in this area.

Don't forget the two great commandments. Everything else will fall into place :)

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Pictures of the week:
1. This is me with Kirby Zaballa. One of my favorite kids who I think I've already included in a previous e-mail, whose mom is the pinaka-fantastic branch missionary, Sister Rollyna.
2. Ralph Lauren Francisco and Susi. Sobrang makulit and adorable <3 3. Yep. My love for animals has not gone away... even though I betray my vegetarian ways everyday... 4. At Sister Rollyna's house with my companion, her daughter and her pumumkin... (i don't think i spelled that right, but it means niece/nephew in tagalog)... :D 5. Another one of Kirby and I for good measure.

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