Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Families and Following the Spirit

This week has been great in spite of the roller coaster that is the mission. I continue to learn lots from Sister Polinar, and I'm trying to soak it in so it can be a part of me, too, and I can apply it even when we're not companions anymore. It's amazing to see the things that happen as we both give our whole selves to the work. We both learned a little better about following promptings this past week.

We left one appointment and were punted from another, and we had a little over an hour left before curfew. I said, "Let's go to the Francisco's!" who live in a completely different area. They hadn't been home earlier that day, and they are one of our focus families. Sister Polinar said, "What about the Pastors?" And foolishly I replied, "Hindi mahalaga." Of course they're important, but I figured to prioritize the focus family. As we were riding our tricyle out of the area I was thinking maybe we should turn back. We both considered it, but decided to go ahead. What my companion had said was ringing in my mind still and I said, "We'll go back if the Francisco family isn't home, even if it's expensive." When we reached the Francisco's, only the kids were home. So we trekked back up to the main road and paid for another tricycle ride, back to the area we had been in. Brother Pastor asked why we hadn't come earlier because he was really tired from work, but he still welcomed us in and allowed us to teach him and his wife, who is not a member and was previously not progressing. We watched the Restoration video and Sister Pastor said she related to it so well. She too has been searching out the truth. She is studying in the born again religion, and FINALLY reading the Book of Mormon (thanks to the efforts of a previous companion, Sister Siu :) . We invited her to pray about Joseph Smith and she took everything more seriously than she had before in our other lessons. After we left, Sister Polinar said, "I learned three things tonight: First, follow the promptings we receive; second, confirm plans with your companion; and I forgot the third." It was amazing, though. We really were meant to get to that lesson. We cannot rely on our own reasoning. We must rely on God.

I also got this awesome idea from Sister Polinar in studying the scriptures (that I might've mentioned last week). But after opening personal study with a prayer I write a question that I have for that day on something I'm struggling with or in the area. And I read to have that question answered. Mostly I just read straight through from where I've been and it's amazing how God answers my prayers. Like today and Alma 38. And another day I felt distinctly prompted to read in Moroni 7, and it's just amazing. God is so aware of us. I will testify of that again and again. He loves us more than we can comprehend. And that's why we have the gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness on the earth again. Ah. It's such a blessing.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Pictures of the week:
1. Family Home Evening with the DeJesus Family. Every game in the Philippines has punishments for losing. In this game, the people with the most powder on their face at the end had to share a talent. We had dancing, singing, and guitar playing. I said my talent was eating and so then we had dinner :)
2. Powder on my face with my bagong kasama. Sobrang masipag si Sister Polinar. I love it.
3. DeJesus! (minus Rosalie, who is the culprit in the first picture spreading the powder)
4. Sitio Kay Naog. One of the two most beautiful places in my area. We get to hike to appointments... literally. Sobrang pauwis kami.
5. Orowa Family Home Evening. Samantha (little does she know we have the same name...) just graduated from kinder and there was a celebration complete with spaghetti pancit. Siempre!

***new address***
Sister Samantha Cope
C/O Philippines Quezon City Mission
Aurora Blvd. Corner JP Rizal Street
Project 4, Cubao, Quezon City

Metro Manila, Philippines
(mas effective daw, pero my old address should still work so if you sent anything to that recently, don't worry :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My first Filipina :)

Hello pamilya at mga kaibigan,

My bagong kasama is amazing, and I'm so excited to work with her this transfer, and hopefully more... :) Sister Polinar is an answer to my prayers. I am so grateful to have her here and I know she will bless this area so much. Her desire to work hard and reach goals are so conducive to the work and getting to the people. In addition to how masipag (diligent) she is, I'm also thinking this transfer will help me with the language. I can teach lessons, but I need to be able to have conversations, too.

We had this great experience in following up on a referral from a returning less active. A couple weeks ago one recent convert was working with us to this less active, and the neighbor of the less active is friends with the recent convert, and she was like "Yeah, you should learn about Mormons." But in Tagalog, siyempre. This past week this neighbor was outside doing her dishes and Sister Polinar was able to invite her to listen to our message, and she was so sincere in her interest and commitment to read the restoration pamphlet after we taught her.

Tapos... One of our recent converts, who almost went less active, came to stake conference last week with his brother-in-law, who was a previous investigator. We had the opportunity to teach both of them and the rest of the family last night. The brother-in-law wants to be baptized so bad, but his asawa isn't motivated enough to get the marriage papers done while he is away working. But we won't be discouraged. Where there is a will, there is a way, and his testimony is there. It was amazing hearing him testify about church attendance last night and how it just feels different there and he takes that with him even as he leaves. He's going to try to change his work schedule.

As for me, I forgot how hard leading an area is, and I've been really stressed and kind of all over the place, but Sister Polinar is patient with me. I'm doing my best to teach her quickly about the area and about the people so I can have her help in decision-making.

But I'm just so grateful to my Heavenly Father for His continued awareness of my needs and the needs of the people I'm serving here in Antipolo.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Pictures of the week:
1. Saying goodbye to Sister Matuauto at transfer meeting. She is in Mindoro now!!! The first 'foreign' sister! (I'm hoping to go sometime, too... but only if God wants me to...) And her companion is Sister Daclan :)
2. Because we all thought I would be transferred, I got a picture with (L-R) our branch president, his wife, me, the relief society president, the stake patriarch, and our branch mission leader.
3. Sunset outside of the chapel...
4. Some of the new members of my zone. Puro visaya ang mga filipinos.
5. Sister Polinar and I at Chic-Boy. Our zone favorite.
6. Our mga labandera and kabahay being wacky :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dito pa !!!!

Transfer day is tomorrow and I'm staying in Antipolo! There's another elder from my batch who has been here as long as I have and he's getting anxious to leave, but I actually feel really blessed because Heavenly Father is giving me another chance to make a difference here and for myself. I will be finding out who my new companion is tomorrow...

A cool story about my recent converts, the San Agustins. They were going to the palengke on Sunday mornings before church so we decided to teach them Sabbath day again. My companion presented the dos and don'ts forth right, and Brother gets it (in his mind and in his heart). He talked about how they were discussing the rest day for their business and he had brought up "dapat linggo." As we re-committed them to keep the Sabbath day holy, Sister was saying she would try, but Brother was explaining to her how black and white it was, and bearing his testimony. It's been amazing to see how he's grown and how strong his conviction is in the gospel.

This past week we've been involved in MTC tours. They just remodeled the Philippines Missionary Training Center, and it is sooo nice. We were able to show it to members and potential missionaries, and bear our testimonies of missionary work. It was a special opportunity.

I've used my time with family e-mails, but I know this is where I'm supposed to be and what I'm supposed to be doing. I feel it as I see the spirit directing the work and helping us to help others come unto Christ and change their lives. I know God does not leave us alone, but that He wants our success and helps us to achieve it through the gifts he's given us (the people around us, the scriptures, the Holy Ghost, strengths AND weaknesses, etc.).

I love you all. When in doubt, pray.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Pictures of the Week:
1. Christian and I after stake conference. He's a ward missionary in the stake that would always come to our district meetings. He just got his mission call and will be entering the Philippines MTC in April and head to the Bacolod mission!
2. My zone at the end of my fourth transfer. Three of them will be moving tomorrow to different areas, but it's been a good group.
3. A better idea of where I'm at :)
4. Some of the elders posing at the MTC. Silly sila.
5. Going through the city on a jeepney and getting to see this at the end of a tiring day of tours. Ahhh-mazing.
6. <3

Monday, March 5, 2012

Arthur or Dragon Tales?

"Put a smile on your face and make the world a better place."

Sometimes "trunky" thoughts save the day. I was singing a hymn, and then this came to mind. And it changed a situation for the better. It's all about attitude.

So last week at the mission tour conference we talked about teaching doctrine instead of calling the less actives back to church. As they understand the why of the gospel, they'll want to come back on their own. So we've eased up on the invites to church. And then Sunday happened... 8 less actives came!!!! And it wasn't us! The members picked up Sister Contaoi, who had a stroke, and Sister Benitez, who is over 80. They encouraged and didn't give up on Manny and Jackie Remeticado. The Lanot daughters told us they wanted to go to church when we last visited them, and then they just did it. Oshin Tan would come all the time if she could, and she was able to this week. Paul Marquez has a testimony, he just doesn't know it, but he's pushing himself and coming anyway. It always comes back to the individual. The gospel has to be a part of your heart and soul, and Heavenly Father will call you back, not people... And then it's the responsibility of the members to make them feel welcomed, and they did, and it was just really happy.

Three out of those eight bore their testimonies, and it was powerful. I was sitting in sacrament yesterday thinking on whether I should share or not, and I realized, "It has to be the members." There are times when I am moved upon by the Spirit to speak, but yesterday I just knew. They are the ones who hold the real power in strengthening their branch. They have to visit each other. They need to be the ones to share their testimonies with each other. It was a great sabbath and I felt truly blessed to have witnessed this miracle. The spirit was there in abundance and I can see the love growing in this area.

Don't forget the two great commandments. http://www.lds.org/scriptures/nt/matt/22.36-39?lang=eng#35 Everything else will fall into place :)

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Pictures of the week:
1. This is me with Kirby Zaballa. One of my favorite kids who I think I've already included in a previous e-mail, whose mom is the pinaka-fantastic branch missionary, Sister Rollyna.
2. Ralph Lauren Francisco and Susi. Sobrang makulit and adorable <3 3. Yep. My love for animals has not gone away... even though I betray my vegetarian ways everyday... 4. At Sister Rollyna's house with my companion, her daughter and her pumumkin... (i don't think i spelled that right, but it means niece/nephew in tagalog)... :D 5. Another one of Kirby and I for good measure.