Monday, February 20, 2012

It's not a mission in the Philppines without kuto...

So kuto means lice in Tagalog. I probably got it from the children that love us, but it's all good. The Relief Society president and the branch president's wife are excellent at picking it out. Haha... In the U.S. it's really gross, I know. Here it's kind of just a part of life... :)

This week has been a little off, but we had an amazing kabahay study. (Sister Matuauto and I, and the other two sisters in our apartment do our companionship study together.) Next week I'll try and include some of the insights we shared, but for me it's a testimony of family scripture study. Our roommates are our family on the mission and it just brought us closer together. As we study together we gain new knowledge from one another about the gospel, we uplift one another, and we become unified. It helps me to see the potential that Heavenly Father sees in all of us to become like Him.

We had an awesome district meeting about temples, and I love picturing the families we're teaching in the temple, sealed together forever. The Temples issue of the Liahona is amazing, and for those of you who are non-members and our curious, it can answer a lot of questions. It really is the ultimate purpose of this life. We can't get back to Heavenly Father without each other and we need temples to do the work for the dead and become forever families. It's amazing that the power to do that exists.

I know that heavenly Father's plan for us is perfect, and through it we can attain hope. I had an experience this week with a family of the branch in the hospital. The chances of the husband after his operation are small, but the wife knows that the Atonement is real, and because of Jesus Christ's sacrifice for all of us and His Resurrection, she'll see her husband again. It's amazing. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

P.S. I had some awesome pictures... but my camera just died so next week na lang.

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