Monday, February 13, 2012

Chapter 4 of PMG

Ibig sabihin (meaning)... Recognizing the Spirit--It's something I'm continually working on, especially since without it, it's impossible to teach.

Sister Matuauto has been a great example to me of just that. The other day we passed this person and his greeting was particularly eager. We said hi back and kept walking. Then Sister Matuauto turned to me and pointed out how he had said hi and that maybe we should turn around to talk to him. I thought, "Why not?" I'm so glad I listened to her and that she listened to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. He turned out to be a member. Him and his wife just had a baby. They were baptized in an area called Bicol and have been living in Antipolo for three years, but haven't made it to church. Now that we know where they live we can help prepare themselves to return. Ah. The miracles of finding less actives is so refreshing and happy.

As I was discussing my effort of recognizing and understanding the Spirit, S. Matuauto recommended teaching a lesson about the Atonement because the Spirit is really strong as we teach about Christ. We went to an appoinment with one of my favorite families in the area and focused on Alma 36, and because of Alma the Younger's faith in the Atonement of Jesus Christ, he was able to change and remain changed. I know the Holy Ghost was there helping me to say the things I said and to testify to the family. As we gave them a commitment to follow, I know because of the Spirit they felt, they said yes and they will do their best to keep it.

I know the enabling power of the Atonement is real. It makes up for what we can't as mortal, imperfect beings. Because of Jesus Christ we can become immortal and perfect--and truly happy.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

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