Monday, January 23, 2012

Short lang.

We had this miracle of a first contact earlier this week when we went to this one area to visit a less active. She has a neighbor who is also a member, but has been on a vacation for a year! It just so happens that he was there preparing his house for the new people who are moving in. I know part of the reason for Heavenly Father giving us this blessing is because of the exact obedience my companion has been encouraging that we've been working on together. We were able to get his new address and hopefully the missionaries in Visayas will be able to help reactivate him. Another less active read the "We are all enlisted" talk by Jeffrey R. Holland within a day after we gave it to him. He came to church and said he's interested in serving a mission. I know his family (who is also less active) will be so blessed if the members can help him get on a mission before he turns 25.
As for investigators, so many of them do not want to act on the faith that they've developed, but there is this one and her testimony is so strong and she's reading and she's started coming to church, and I'm just really happy for her. She needs the blessings of the gospel in her life--she has 5 kids and little money. I know that as she continues to build a spiritual foundation for her family they will be sustained, temporally and spiritually.
And my testimony of fasting has grown. Yesterday I just felt the direction of the Holy Ghost so much more clearly even though I was hungry. I felt that Heavenly Father blessed me to discern needs better and to choose what lessons to share according to that. We also met and talked to several people who could speak English well enough that I taught a little in English and really felt it from the heart. I'm not horrible at Tagalog (and I'm not magaling either), but I only know some of the vocabulary I need to really speak from my soul. If that makes sense. Anyway. Sunday was nice. The power that fasting has to bring us closer to God and the Spirit is real.
Mahal ko kayo.
Sister Cope

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Attitude is everything... and so is the book of mormon :)

Happy Tuesday, family and friends!

I feel like the mission is this accelerated course about life. I learn so much every week. This week in particular about how attitude is everything. I know it's kind of cheesy, but I'm realizing how true the idea is of 10% of our lives is circumstance and 90% is our attitude/reactions. Sometimes when things are hard you just have to choose to be happy, and it really makes all the difference. I am choosing to be happy and things have been going so much better than earlier this month.

I have 9 minutes sooo... really quick. The San Agustin's are amazing. (Converts baptized on Christmas Eve) They are developing amazing testimonies of the Book of Mormon as they read it everyday. Brother San Agustin said that he's understanding it not just in his mind, but as it enters into his heart.

The progressing investigators we have are starting to understand the idea of acting on faith and I can see their testimonies growing, and it's a beautiful thing to witness. The other day we taught to an investigator of about 6 months, and she told us about the decision to go to church. She said something along the lines of "Jubert wouldn't go with me [that's her asawa]. Joanne was sick [that's her baby]. It was raining, and I didn't have money for kamasahe. But I knew I had to go." Then she described how she was happy having gone and described the blessings she had received from going.

We've been going back to the basics with our less-active members and focusing on the Restoration his week. We've seen the power of this in the lessons. After one of the lessons, Sister Matuauto exclaimed, "It's all about the Restoration." It helps invite the Spirit and bring to remembrance things once taught and the reason they were probably baptized in the first place.

Right now we're reading the Book of Mormon before Easter as a mission.I'm finishing up 2nd Nephi and I've realized some great applications of the Book of Mormon to the less actives. I definitely want to get them all reading for themselves. I can only imagine the spirit it will bring into their lives and the changes they're capable of making as a result. I also skipped ahead to some of the stories that they mentioned in the broadcast like Alma the younger trying to reclaim the apostate Zoramites, and it's nice to know there's an example in the scriptures to follow. It reminds me of the talk I read by President Eyring earlier this week, "A Witness." Even the modern prophets look to the prophets of old to guide them in their work. It adds power to the truth of the Book of Mormon, and it helps me to realize the Church really is made up of ordinary people that sometimes just really magnify their calling. It's something I want to work on continually--being a fully dedicated and consecrated servant of the Lord.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Lame Picture of the week... what I had done to my scriptures :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Hahayo ako at gagawin ko

"I will go and do" the things the Lord hath commandeth for I know He giveth no commandment unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth. - 1st Nephi 3:7 (or close to it... i'm working on memorizing scriptures this week)

So ups and downs as usual in the life of a missionary. I've found so much strength in the scriptures at this time. Opening my study with a prayer really readies me to receive personal revelation and revelation for my investigators and less actives. I just love the stories of Alma the younger and the sons of Mosiah and the other missionaries in the Book of Mormon. I have learned a lot from their examples. Most recently Alma 14 and working together to teach and supporting the words of your companion.

Wednesday the traveling sisters came to our area to do exchanges with us, and as always they are a welcomed blessing. Sometimes the work is overwhelming, and so we were able to cover two areas. I had the opportunity of visiting some non-progressing investigators that have been neglected with this new focus on less actives. I worked with Sister Rebelde, and I just felt so unified during the lessons even though we were only companions for a day. This one lesson we hadn't discussed what we were going over, but she started with this amazing object lesson on the Atonement, and then I discussed the sacrament--and that investigator ended up coming to Church. We need to be quiet enough to pay attention to the Spirit because it will testify of the truth and bring about righteous changes into our lives.

The Relief Society members have been helping us a lot, too. They've provided for quality fellowshipping members present. Three sisters in particular get so excited about coming with us and end up sharing a lot during the lessons because of their love of the gospel. It's a wonderful thing to witness.Sister Glaffy the Relief Society president had the perfect experiences to share with one of our less active mothers. She told of this touching experience of holding on to the scriptures and finding comfort in them.

We also were referred to a "golden" investigator in one of our areas who has so many questions and is really excited to find out more about the Church. When we told him that we start every lesson with a song, he said something about how he doesn't know it now, but as he starts learning and coming to church he'll be able to sing them, too. Tama yan.

Tapos... We've been searching for less actives in our area and are finding many who don't remember why they were baptized. It's a big deal. The covenants we make at baptism are promises to God. It's not basta-basta (just because). I'm so blessed to have been nourished by my family, friends, and ward leaders growing up. I know why I'm a part of this Church and what it means to be a member.

There were some other stories I wanted to tell, but my mind is all over the place so I'll just close with my testimony. I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's church on the earth restored with every piece of the truth that will help us get back home with our Heavenly Father. I know sometimes we get tired of hearing about prayer, scripture reading, church attendance, service, and home & visiting teaching, but it's God's way. He's organized His Church perfectly, we just need to be better about following his blueprint.

And the best news of the week is that 5 less actives that we've been teaching came to church this past week. These are really big steps for them, and it makes my Sundays to see them there.

I love you all. Thank you for your influence in my life.

Sister Cope

Pictures of the week:
1. My new companion, Sister Matuauto and I, and Sister Daclan and Sister Iosefa (my kabahay). I love them lots :)
2. A general idea of my New Year's celebration. Fireworks dotted the horizon of our window view. Sobrang awesome.
3. There were some really close and really far. Seriously, everyone does fireworks here... everywhere.
4. The Antipolo Cathedral. The dome glows on holidays :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy 2012!

This week I've been learning about how attitude is everything. Sometimes things don't go according to plan and people hurt your feelings whether directly or indirectly (like not keeping commitments), but I noticed that as I stayed positive everything I became genuinely happy again, and if I let things discourage me to much it affected my interactions and the work, etc. To have the Spirit with you always is legitimately hard, but I notice as I keep a softened heart and I listen more to those who are talking the inspiration comes as to what to do and say when I need it. It's amazing to witness scriptures come to pass with promises fulfilled as I try harder. Heavenly Father really has given me scriptures in the moment I need them through the power of the Holy Ghost.

New Year's Eve was amazing here. We had to be in our house by 6 p.m. because everyone here does fireworks and it's delicado (dangerous). But it was so noisy that, of course, we couldn't sleep so we watched fireworks dot the view from our window. Three out of four of us will be here for all of 2012 and we just said to each other that we were going to make it count. And we had the Mormon Tabernacle Choir playing in the background, and I just know that this year is going to be a good year, especially with this focus on less-actives.

Speaking of which, we had this great family home evening with one of the families that's struggling to go to church every week. But I could really see how the gospel and spending time together has improved the spirit in their home in just a short time--and they came to sacrament on New Year's Day! I'm really close to the mother because we've taught her the most and I can see how much her family's happiness and strength in the gospel affects her.

Funny story and then I'll close... We gave the word of wisdom pamphlet to a potential investigator, and he was smoking while he read it. Haha... :)

Anyway... I know that families are central to the gospel of Jesus Christ. We need each other's support to make it back to our Heavenly Father. And as families we can attain a higher degree of happiness. And, of course, the Atonement of Jesus Christ makes it all possible. I know that the priesthood authority to seal families on earth and heaven is real. I know that it is essential for our eternal happiness.

Happy new year friends and family! Mahal ko kayo.

Sister Cope'