Tuesday, October 18, 2011

May Sakit Ako :(

So I got sick for the first time since being here. The dry season is starting, and without the rain to cool things down, we are burning up. Sister Siufanua and I walked to a farther area of ours and a little while later I felt like I was going to pass out. She says my lips were purple and I looked really pale. It ended up being a nice opportunity to talk to some people, though. We found a shaded sitting spot and I sat down to drink water. This lady offered me a baby wipe and I struck up a conversation. It started out in Tagalog, but her English was pretty good so... She told me about her family, and I told her where I was from and why I was there. I asked her if she'd like to know more about the Church, but apparently she has a position at the Catholic church she attends. I gave her a pamphlet and our information anyway.

Anyway it's so cool how the Lord leads you to people. We ran into several less actives as we looked for the address of a referral. And we were at the tindahan (a little store) by our house and this young man spoke up and said we was a member, but because of his job he hadn't been active for a while. But he said he wants to serve a mission! And Jeffrey R. Holland is in the Philippines this week and he's speaking to those of age for a mission in our stake. So hopefully he can get off work and go.

Now for a soap box moment... Sister Siufanua and I visited a less active member last night, and she really opens up to us because she has no one else to talk to, and it was just really sad. The people here have so many hardships and if people kept their covenants to mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, there wouldn't be as many issues as Sister Siu and I run into everyday. And there's so much offending and people not going to church because of it. Be the member that God expects you to be. Do your home and visiting teaching. I never realized how important it really was until I came out here. And just reach out to everyone. There are people at church who need you and to hear your testimony. So got to church and seek them out. I'm pointing a finger at myself, too. There have been times when I saw someone alone and I was too nervous that I wouldn't have anything to say so I just didn't say anything at all. In Moroni 6 it talks about how church is for the welfare of souls. We need each other to build one another up, otherwise organized religion wouldn't be important. But it is. We support each other in reaching heaven and returning home to Heavenly Father. And if you're not going to church because you've been offended, it's so selfish because there's someone at church who is probably looking for the friend you could be. Don't let others hinder your relationship with God and would-be friends.

Just some things to consider. I know I'm on a mission and it's easy to say this stuff, but it's stuff I've told myself I need to be better about when I return home. I know this Church is true and that we truly do have the restored gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth today. I also know that the members aren't perfect, and we all have stuff to work on, but the truth is here. And we have the real priesthood authority--the power of God to act in Christ's name. I'm so grateful to be a part of sharing these glad tidings.

Mahal ko kayo!
Sister Cope

Pictures of the week: 1. My zone crammed into one jeepney. There's also some Elders hanging on to the back. 2. Sister Siufanua and I at the temple. Sobrang maganda :)

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