Friday, October 14, 2011

I haven't gotten sick of rice!

This week has been full of little miracles. I love it here and I have already been so blessed.

So last Monday after I sent my e-mail I had an enjoyable P-day with Sister Siufanua and then we spent the evening at the DeJesus family. They are my favorite. They have stolen my hearts. They're less active and they live close so we visit them pretty often. There are 5 kids and they're just all really special to me. We did a family home evening with them; they provided dinner and we provided the lesson--and treats. I gave them sour warheads (They don't have anything like that here), and I warned them that they weren't going to like it at first. The mom spit hers our right away and all the kids made faces, but they ended up enjoying them. It was funny.

Sister Siufanua and I have focused on Church Attendance this week with our investigators. Last week only one came. We told them this weekend was special (because we watch General Conference a week later), and they could hear the prophet speak and know for themselves whether He is a man of God. We managed to acquire a jeepney to the stake center and we got up early the morning of the Sunday sessions and we just went to one neighborhood and made sure one with a baptismal date was coming. We waited 30 minutes for her to get ready, but in the meantime we found 2 more of our investigators and convinced them to come. So that was really happy. We were late for the jeepney so we fit five women and two babies onto one tricycle--and then the driver. (I'll try and take a picture of one this week.) But it was a cozy ride.

Sister DeJesus came with us on Saturday to the first session and we went out to McDonald's afterward. It was my first time. I prefer the Filipino chain Mang Inasal. Mmm... Masarap.

Anyway one of the greatest blessings this week has been Jenny. She's a Sister we found while tracting, and she told us she was busy. We felt prompted to go back a couple days later, and she told us how she wished she would've asked us to return and that she was so glad we did. We have really interactive lessons with her because she has lots of good question, but we always feel the Spirit as we're with her. She already seems to have a really good relationship with her Heavenly Father. We were teaching her about Joseph Smith, and she wondered, "Well if you believe there was a prophet then, do you believe there's someone on the earth with those same powers now?" And answered excitedly, "Yes! And he's speaking to us this weekend!" And she asked if she could bring her husband and friends and we said "Siyempre!" (That's of course in Tagalog.) Sadly, she was not one of the ones who ended up coming, but I know there must be a good reason. She's had many trials in her life, but she remains strong in her faith.

In summary, I don't think I'll ever come back to the United States. I love the Philippines too much. Jokelang. But for real. And I love the opportunity I have to share the gospel with these people that I've come to love so much already.

I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is God's Church on earth. I know Joseph Smith saw the Father and the Son. I know we are lead and guided by a living prophet today, President Thomas S. Monson. Go check out conference if you don't believe me. ( I know Heavenly Father loves us more than we can comprehend and the way back to Him is through Jesus Christ and His Atonement.

Mahal ko kayo from the bottom of my puso.
Sister Cope

Pictures of the week: 1. Because I know my parents won't believe me unless there is proof: I ate fish right off the bone--and I enjoyed it. I had to pull off the head and everything. Here's my fish kissing another person's fish :)
2. These are the two youngest in the DeJesus family... Gabriel is the one I'm hugging and Eunice is the one with Sister Siufanua. They are so adorable and always so happy to see us. I love them lots and lots.

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