Monday, September 26, 2011

Last Email/Blog post in America

Today (Friday) is usually my P-day (Preparation day), but I'm in the middle of "In-field orientation" on a dinner break. I will get P-day tomorrow and actually add to and e-mail this to be posted on Saturday. But anyway it's awesome. We just came out of a class on having enough faith and works to be blessed with miracles on our mission. I might've mentioned this a couple e-mails ago, but one time when I was at the bus stop on my way to school I chatted with this other girl who was waiting and found that she served a mission and I will never forget what she told me (because I wrote it down...), but what she said is that "You can expect miracles everyday as long as your prepared." I know that can happen if I have enough faith. I've already seen maraming miracles occur in my two months at the MTC, and with enough faith I know that I can see even more, and even everyday.

So this week I had the privilege and blessing of hearing from yet another apostle! Elder Russell M. Nelson came to the MTC this week. In preparation for his coming we received the October 2011 Ensign (a Church magazine). He spoke about different editions of the Book of Mormon's historical context. It was pretty cool, but what really affected me was not his words, but the words I have been studying in the Ensign. It has strengthened my testimony of the Book of Mormon in just a couple days. It's funny because the most powerful words in the magazine are the words quoted from the scriptures. And just being put in a different light and context has made them powerful and they've stuck out in a new way to me. One such scripture is Alma 46:48. They quote it in the Relief Society message, which I usually find so unapplicable. The context is that the chapter is talking about the faith of the Army of Helaman. The scripture reads "We do not doubt our mothers knew it." I want my investigators to feel that way about me. They will not doubt that I know it. I want to make sure they see the light that the scriptures and the restored gospel of Jesus Christ have brought to me. It's so true and it can solve any problem (spiritual or temporal). I've received many answers through the Book of Mormon. We can not treat it lightly as Doctrine and Covenants 84 mentions (and President Benson reiterated years ago in a talk, which is reprinted in that magazine). It was written for us today and sets a pattern of living to follow by showing good and bad examples. Something that has made my Book of Mormon study more effective is something my teacher told me to do as I read. Ask yourself, "Why did God have this verse written?" When you read with real intent you can find so much and not every principle will apply in your life at that moment, but there is something in each verse that God wanted us to hear or else He wouldn't have had the prophets write it for us.

In other news, I'll get off my soap box (but read the Book of Mormon!:), I translated the song "We'll Bring the World His Truth" in Tagalog this week. Our district is going to sing it in church on Sunday for our departing musical number type thing. It's so powerful. I'm finally feeling the Spirit in Tagalog. It's been kind of hard because I don't understand the language, but my heart understands the Spirit and the power of music, and it's really awesome.

Also, thank you to all of those who have written me in my final week. I have a list of about 13 of you that I am going to do my best to write all of you back tomorrow between packing and laundry. The support is so needed and your words are special to me so thank you. If I don't have time to write all the letters (because the ones to my parents, brother, and grandpa come first), just know that I love you.

I'm so excited to be serving my Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, and to be sharing this message of hope to His children. I know it is true and I know that knowledge of this message brings peace to our souls.

I love you all, and next time I'll be writing from the Philippines!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pinoy ako!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I'm Filipino!!!!!!!!!)

Mahal kita,
Sister Cope

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