Friday, September 16, 2011

11 Days!!!!!!!

I technically only have 5 minutes for my letter today because I've been e-mailing my mom and brother, but I love you all, too, so I will try to say as much as I can as quickly as possible.

So first off, I had the privelege of hearing another apostle this past week!!! Elder M. Russell Ballard came and he is just so humble. He said it was such a privelege for him to come speak to us, and I just thought, "Wow." And later he brought up the privelege we have to serve and teach. And it made me think back to the scripture about the greatest being the least, and how Jesus served and sacrificed and descended below all things, even though He is the Son of God! And in considering my privilege to serve God's children in the Philippines I am so humbled by the huge responsibility. The salvation of those I teach is being placed in my hands. I know that one day all things will work out, but Heavenly Father has called me for there and now. He also told us of an experience on his mission where he really messed up and that night he prayed for forgiveness for not being more prepared, and then he acted! And he got up earlier and studied harder, and I just want to be that dedicated and so much better in the gospel, and really act on the things I pray for. It was very inspiring.

With the 10th anniversary of September 11th, we had a special fireside where we were able to watch the Mormon Tabernacle Choir's special performance with the spoken word portion done by Tom Brokaw. (I think that's how you spell it.) The MTC mission president was comparing the terrorists to the Gadianton Robbers in the Book of Mormon, and it really is so telling of our times. In 2001 the country drew so much closer to God, and in just 10 years so many people have forgotten and grown distant. And it's so sad that bad things must happen in order for us to reach out to Him. I know I am guilty of this. When I was younger I would only really pray when I need help. But how much more blessed are we when we remember Him during our good times and show our gratitude.

Speaking of earnest prayer, see Enos chapter 1. Sister Biggs shared this scripture with me when we were practicing our teaching and it helped me a lot. Just to remember how my prayers ought to be.

And speaking of the Book of Mormon, we were doing a class study/discussion earlier this week and we were being kind of quiet, and I loved what my teacher Sister Ball said, "Why did God have this verse written for us?" There is something in every verse for each of us. Sometimes different things are more applicable, but if you dig deep enough and are willing to take the time to ponder you will find what God is trying to tell you.

I have more stories to tell, but not enough time. My district received our flight plans yesterday!! I fly out on the evening of the 27th with a layover in LAX and then in Hong Kong!!! So cool, di ba? (Tagalog for, "no?" like how we say "right?") And I arrive in the Philippines on the 29th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway. Mail has been a little funky because they moved the post office to a different building so I've gotten some stuff late, but it should all be getting to me in due time. I'll be writing back to those of you I've heard from later today so no worries.

And remember, start using my Philippines address soon because I don't know how long it'll take to forward my mail from here to there so just start now, and by the time it get's there, I'll be in the Philippines :)

Mahal ko kayo,

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