Friday, September 9, 2011

18 Days !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot believe how fast time goes and continues going. And how much I keep learning every week. God is blessing me so much through people and experiences.

This week I had the privilege of witnessing the power of the priesthood and fasting. One of the Sisters that's in my room was really sick, and she went to the ER, and they didn't really tell her anything or help her. When we returned from class (this was on a Monday) we found out about all this and Sister Biggs and I asked if she had received a blessing, and she hadn't. So the Elders received special permission to come into the sisters' dormitory and gave her a blessing. And the Spirit was there, and I just know with all my heart that the authority of God is on the earth again. And shortly after the blessing she improved drastically and was able to fall asleep that night. The next day the whole zone faster for her and by Wednesday the Sister and her companions were able to return to class, and by Thursday she was back to full health. I really did witness a miracle and I know that blessings and fasting work.

We had mission conference on Sunday and, my bad, but I fell asleep throughout most of it, but when the MTC President spoke I was much more awake and he talked about obedience bringing blessings, and spoke of the promise contained in D&C 84:88, and it's such a beautiful promise. And it was reiterated during our Sunday night fireside with Brother Richard Heaton (an MTC administrator). His talks are always good. This is the second time we've heard from him and he told us how we can't worry about what we're doing to the point where we become distracted. We must focus on helping investigators develop a relationship with God, and making sure the Holy Ghost is witnessing to them. I also bore my testimony on Sunday in sacrament meeting, and I was able to use some of my Tagalog and it was pretty exciting :)

I have a new teacher, again. I don't know if I told about the last one, but with school starting all their schedule's change. One of them remained (Brother Cook), but Sister Landrum was replaced with Sister Ball. We love her. She is so real, and gives us the best advice because it's so straight up. She tells us how it is in teaching and in the Philippines, and it's nice because she actually served in Quezon City so it's way relatable. (She returned in April.) And she always teaches with such enthusiasm and power, and I'm just so excited to finally get there. She also told us some scary stories, but no worries. The Lord will protect us. Brother Cook is a great teacher, too. We love messing with him during class. Like the other day, for some reason, two of the Elders had extra ties so I put one on, and throughout the evening we were switching ties. He caught on pretty fast because it was odd to him that I was wearing a tie. Haha.. Speaking of Brother Cook, he says my laugh scares him so one of the Elders suggested that's why he doesn't try to do funny things, but I always seem to end up laughing anyway...

My time is running out, but just some things I've learned this week in my studies and in class: First, the word of God is powerful. It has the power to change your life if you will let it. (See Helaman 6 and Alma 31:5) Second, quit worrying about whether it's the Holy Ghost or your own thoughts. If it's good it's from God. We watched a clip from a talk given by Elder Bednar where we he said that and he mentioned the 20 Mark Note story (see Boyd K. Packer's talk on my It was powerful and then Sister Ball had us read from D&C 50:21-24. And I'd like to add to that Moroni 10:5-7. If you're having trouble recognizing the Spirit, consider these things. Oh! And I read this amazing talk by Gordon B. Hinckley this week called "I Am Clean," and it has this really cool story about a dream Joseph F. Smith had as a missionary in Hawaii at only 15 years of age!!! I can't even imagine.

Elder Jensen of the Quorum of the Seventy spoke to us at Tuesday's devotional, and as always my companion and I participated in the choir. Elder Jensen actually mentioned the power of music, and I testify that music can bring the Spirit and can soften hearts and bear testimony to the soul (because it has to me). We sang this beautiful number called "I Marvel at the Miracle." I would type out the lyrics, but there is no time.

In close, I just want to say that I know Christ is my Savior and He's your Savior and He loves us. And Heavenly Father loves us, too.

I love you all. And I miss you, but I'll see you in 16.5 months so it's okay :)

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

P.S. Don't forget, if you're writing me, you'll want to start using my Philippines address in 2 weeks. Thanks <3

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