Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Belated Mother's Day!

This week my spiritual experiences are things that I want to keep close to my heart and not have my mom post on the internet, but it has been a good week and I have learned, been uplifted, and felt the spirit. I know this Church is true. I know when people rely on Heavenly Father and act on their faith, miracles DO happen. I've witnessed it. I've heard about it in the testimonies of those I've taught. I had a really good birthday, too. I woke up to Ferrero Rochers(!!!) from my beloved companion, Sister Goud. I had the privilege of going on MTC exchanges (see pictures and descriptions below). One of the returning less actives we taught that day treated us to halo-halo. Since the temple is in my area, although we can't just go to it whenever we want, I did get to walk outside of it on my birthday. And my kabahay treated me to pancit (the birthday tradition here), Chooks-to-go chicken, and chocolate cake from Goldilocks (sosyal!). Haha... More about the MTC exchanges, though. We were doing evaluation afterward and I asked the two sisters I worked with when they felt the Spirit the most. "When we were teaching families" was their reply. We taught one sister who is preparing for baptism by herself, but then we taught a less active family (and it just so happened they were all together in spite of their busy schedules) and we taught a new family who Sister Goud and I had contacted a week ago. And I thought back and realized, it's true. That's why they ask us to find families to teach. The gospel is really all about families. It not only prepares us to be eternal families, but helps us with the trials we experience as families in this life. Anyway, the gospel of Jesus Christ is amazing, and true, and real. Yan lang. Simply lang. Mahal ko kayo, Sister Cope Pictures of the Week: 1. My kabahay(There are six of us in one house!): Sister DelaCalsada, Sister Ramilo, Sister Dulay, Me, Sister Goud, and Sister Sojor, with the mission president's wife, Sister DeLaMare on Zone Interview day. 2. On my birthday we did MTC exchanges! These two sisters will be serving in Thailand, but they are at the Philippines MTC for 19 days. The sister on the left is from Cambodia, the one on the right is from Thailand. I got to work with them and hear testimonies in Thai, the other translated into English for the people we taught. I spoke in Tagalog. It's amazing. The gospel really is going forth in every tongue. 3. My birthday feast courtesy of my kabahay. 4. Blowing out the candle. (Sister Goud is taking the picture.)

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