Tuesday, May 29, 2012


So this has been an off week. I almost passed out my last P-day because I was dehydrated. And then later that night I woke up freezing. Then for the rest of the week I had a fever on and off. I didn't realize I was that sick so I tried to work like everything was fine, but I didn't realize, when you are really sick, it's hard to feel the Spirit. I've taught about the plan of salvation and the restoration hundreds of times, but I could not find the words to say. We were working with one of the traveling sisters on that particular day and she noticed something was wrong. She reached over to feel me and she's a nurse so she rushed us home and started patting my face down with a cool wash cloth. The first day home, the sister I caught whatever I have from was still at home, too. Our companions went on exchanges, but they were late getting home and there was one family that I knew we had to visit. So the two of us sick ones went to the Quiano family and taught them about receiving answers to their prayers and recognizing the Holy Ghost. It felt good to be out teaching after staying at home all day. Then when I was finally feeling a little better we had some more lessons at the end of the week. Let me just say, it does not feel right to be a missionary and to stay home sick. I am going to do my best to take better care of myself for the rest of my mission because I never want to experience that again. I learned, though, that the Spirit is with me more than I realized before. I always felt I had trouble recognizing it, but in comparison to when I was sick, the contrast is so big. I know that the Lord is guiding this work through the Holy Ghost. He does not leave His missionaries alone. We cannot teach without the power of the Holy Ghost to testify of our words. This gospel is real. The Church is true. I know I've said it a thousand times and I will say it a million times more. But it's so amazing. I feel so blessed to be a part of spreading the kingdom of God on the earth. We have a baptism this coming week; it's a beautiful privilege to see someone humble themselves and come unto Christ, and to share with her the wonderful promises that come from Heavenly Father as we keep our covenants. Mahal ko kayo, Sister Cope Pictures of the week: 1. Two Saturdays ago we had temple tour. To the left of me is a returning less active member from the ward I'm in, on my right is our investigator Sister Josefina who will be baptized this Saturday, and on the other side of my companion is our investigator Pol and his fellowshipper Mario. Pol has a baptismal date for later this month. He was a referral from his older brother who is our assistant ward mission leader. Referrals are the best. Give them to the missionaries in your area. You have friends that are ready for the gospel. Just prayerfully identify them. 2. Luigi, the son of one of our less actives. Sobrang cute siya. 3. After the temple this morning with my companion, Sister Goud <3 4, 5, and 6. Zone activity! We toured a TV station even though we're not even allowed to watch TV. Haha... The tour guide kept asking, have you seen this show? We tried to explain that we were missionaries... I don't think he really got how strict our missions were until the end when the other sisters were getting a picture with him after the tour and he couldn't even put his arms around them pala :)

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