Tuesday, May 29, 2012


So this has been an off week. I almost passed out my last P-day because I was dehydrated. And then later that night I woke up freezing. Then for the rest of the week I had a fever on and off. I didn't realize I was that sick so I tried to work like everything was fine, but I didn't realize, when you are really sick, it's hard to feel the Spirit. I've taught about the plan of salvation and the restoration hundreds of times, but I could not find the words to say. We were working with one of the traveling sisters on that particular day and she noticed something was wrong. She reached over to feel me and she's a nurse so she rushed us home and started patting my face down with a cool wash cloth. The first day home, the sister I caught whatever I have from was still at home, too. Our companions went on exchanges, but they were late getting home and there was one family that I knew we had to visit. So the two of us sick ones went to the Quiano family and taught them about receiving answers to their prayers and recognizing the Holy Ghost. It felt good to be out teaching after staying at home all day. Then when I was finally feeling a little better we had some more lessons at the end of the week. Let me just say, it does not feel right to be a missionary and to stay home sick. I am going to do my best to take better care of myself for the rest of my mission because I never want to experience that again. I learned, though, that the Spirit is with me more than I realized before. I always felt I had trouble recognizing it, but in comparison to when I was sick, the contrast is so big. I know that the Lord is guiding this work through the Holy Ghost. He does not leave His missionaries alone. We cannot teach without the power of the Holy Ghost to testify of our words. This gospel is real. The Church is true. I know I've said it a thousand times and I will say it a million times more. But it's so amazing. I feel so blessed to be a part of spreading the kingdom of God on the earth. We have a baptism this coming week; it's a beautiful privilege to see someone humble themselves and come unto Christ, and to share with her the wonderful promises that come from Heavenly Father as we keep our covenants. Mahal ko kayo, Sister Cope Pictures of the week: 1. Two Saturdays ago we had temple tour. To the left of me is a returning less active member from the ward I'm in, on my right is our investigator Sister Josefina who will be baptized this Saturday, and on the other side of my companion is our investigator Pol and his fellowshipper Mario. Pol has a baptismal date for later this month. He was a referral from his older brother who is our assistant ward mission leader. Referrals are the best. Give them to the missionaries in your area. You have friends that are ready for the gospel. Just prayerfully identify them. 2. Luigi, the son of one of our less actives. Sobrang cute siya. 3. After the temple this morning with my companion, Sister Goud <3 4, 5, and 6. Zone activity! We toured a TV station even though we're not even allowed to watch TV. Haha... The tour guide kept asking, have you seen this show? We tried to explain that we were missionaries... I don't think he really got how strict our missions were until the end when the other sisters were getting a picture with him after the tour and he couldn't even put his arms around them pala :)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Taglayin ang pangalan ni JesuCristo

Naubos ko ang mga oras sa e-mail sa mission president. But I will write a couple lines anyway.. :) We were punted a lot this week, but it seems Heavenly Father blessed us with lessons on our shortest days. Friday we had weekly planning and that takes a couple hours, but the lessons we had that day were just great. One of our investigators who has almost nothing wanted to start paying her tithing. We informed her that she doesn't need to until after her baptism. She asked us to save the money for her until then because she was worried she would spend it. We returned it to her and told her not to worry until she's made covenants with Heavenly Father, but it just shows how willing she is to put God first. Amazing talaga. We extended a baptismal date to one of our other investigators. He was referred to us by his brother who is pushing him to become a member, but he was sincere in his assignments and his questions. (note to friends who aren't members who may one day listen to missionaries: we love sincere questions! it makes the lessons so much better.) Although there is family influence, he is searching out for the answer himself, and again note to non-member friends: we don't force people to get baptized. We don't want to do that because if your heart is not converted than it doesn't really mean anything except that serious promises have been made without the person committing to seriously honor them. Ayaw namin yan. But the Church is true and sincere seekers of truth will find it! I continue to be blessed for having this gospel in my life. I know as I learn more about Jesus Christ, it helps me to be a better person. And I learn so much from the example of those around me--my companion, those I'm teaching, the leaders in my ward. My heart is full that I get to be a part of the Lord's work. Mahal ko kayo. Sister Cope

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Belated Mother's Day!

This week my spiritual experiences are things that I want to keep close to my heart and not have my mom post on the internet, but it has been a good week and I have learned, been uplifted, and felt the spirit. I know this Church is true. I know when people rely on Heavenly Father and act on their faith, miracles DO happen. I've witnessed it. I've heard about it in the testimonies of those I've taught. I had a really good birthday, too. I woke up to Ferrero Rochers(!!!) from my beloved companion, Sister Goud. I had the privilege of going on MTC exchanges (see pictures and descriptions below). One of the returning less actives we taught that day treated us to halo-halo. Since the temple is in my area, although we can't just go to it whenever we want, I did get to walk outside of it on my birthday. And my kabahay treated me to pancit (the birthday tradition here), Chooks-to-go chicken, and chocolate cake from Goldilocks (sosyal!). Haha... More about the MTC exchanges, though. We were doing evaluation afterward and I asked the two sisters I worked with when they felt the Spirit the most. "When we were teaching families" was their reply. We taught one sister who is preparing for baptism by herself, but then we taught a less active family (and it just so happened they were all together in spite of their busy schedules) and we taught a new family who Sister Goud and I had contacted a week ago. And I thought back and realized, it's true. That's why they ask us to find families to teach. The gospel is really all about families. It not only prepares us to be eternal families, but helps us with the trials we experience as families in this life. Anyway, the gospel of Jesus Christ is amazing, and true, and real. Yan lang. Simply lang. Mahal ko kayo, Sister Cope Pictures of the Week: 1. My kabahay(There are six of us in one house!): Sister DelaCalsada, Sister Ramilo, Sister Dulay, Me, Sister Goud, and Sister Sojor, with the mission president's wife, Sister DeLaMare on Zone Interview day. 2. On my birthday we did MTC exchanges! These two sisters will be serving in Thailand, but they are at the Philippines MTC for 19 days. The sister on the left is from Cambodia, the one on the right is from Thailand. I got to work with them and hear testimonies in Thai, the other translated into English for the people we taught. I spoke in Tagalog. It's amazing. The gospel really is going forth in every tongue. 3. My birthday feast courtesy of my kabahay. 4. Blowing out the candle. (Sister Goud is taking the picture.)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I'm going to be 22 years OLD this week!!!! But enough about me. Pinaka-awesome day this past week = Friday. We were able to do a service project and help a member family and an investigator that lives with them to move. (Service projects are always a welcomed relief from the daily schedule.) And they live closer, not farther! Hooray! Tapos we taught the Quiano family. They were recently found before I arrived in this area and we were reviewing whether they had read and prayed about the Plan of Salvation. I felt like I needed to describe our purpose a little bit. " We're not just Bible Study," I said. I explained how we give commitments to help people come closer to Christ and prepare for baptism so after baptism it's easier to keep the promises made. "Mahalaga ang work ninyo," sinabi ni Brother. And he wasn't being sarcastic. He really got it. It hit him why we were there. And in my mind after he said that, I thought, "Yes! Someone truly understands!" Background for those who did not serve here in the Philippines. There are a TON of religions here and a ton of missionaries. Born again, Saksi ni Jehovah, Iglesia ni Cristo, etc. Many of them go around just reading from the Bible and it's kind of like a time to hear the words of God, and when they leave that's it. They don't have to live by and act on their faith. We're trying to help people become spiritually self-reliant. So when the missionaries aren't there, they're still studying their scriptures, praying, serving others, etc. Then, because Sister Goud is Indian and she caught the attention of this other Indian woman in our area, we were invited to dinner at their house. It made Sister Goud so happy. It's the first time in 17 months that she's had Indian food. At least as an American, I have McDonald's. Haha. But it was delicious, and they spoke in Hindi and I just smiled. Thankfully, a Filipino neighbor came over for a visit so I had someone to talk to in Taglish. And I gave her a Restoration pamphlet and she said we could visit her at her home. So hooray! I know the gospel of Jesus Christ is real and true and it leads to happiness. Even though I'm literally on the other side of the world with a lot of rules to focus on the missionary work, I am happy because I see other people becoming more happy as they develop their hope in the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and Heavenly Father's plan for us. Mahal ko kayo, Sister Cope Pictures of the week (that are not actually from this week :) 1. Sister Polinar and I at one of our favorite places to teach with fresh hangin and shade. Not to mention it's hidden away from the main road so it's quiet, too :) AND it's where Nanay Evelyn and Sister Jessica live, and they were always just so receptive and willing to act. That's it for my old area. Pictures of/in my new area to come... P.S. Don't forget I have a new address... Sister Samantha Cope C/O Philippines Quezon City Mission Aurora Blvd. Corner JP Rizal Street Project 4, Cubao, Quezon City Metro Manila, Philippines