Monday, April 30, 2012

I am now in the Quezon City South Zone, Quirino 1st Ward. It's sooo different. But I'm loving it. I've had some amazing experiences here already. One of my first nights here I taught to Erina, a Korean girl studying English here. We have to teach her really slowly and simply. It's amazing, though, the spirit that is present as you teach like that. She didn't know who God was and we had the privilege of teaching her that there is someone who knows us perfectly, who created a plan for us to be happy, and who loves us. I had a similar experience two night ago when we taught the Kwan family. The wife is from here, but the husband is from Singapore. We had English, Tagalog, and Mandarin Books of Mormon out, and as Brother Kwan translated the Chinese into English, slowly and simply, it was just really beautiful how clear the principles the gospel are. And the returning member that we had with us, Sister Lou, shared a testimony that was exactly what Sister Kwan needed to hear. And their daughter did the reading assignment and has been praying about it, and she's only 12! My new companion is Sister Goud (from India!), and she invites the Holy Ghost into each lesson as she shares her testimony and personal experiences. Yesterday we worked with two Sisters from the ward who are preparing to serve missions. One is recently activated, the other is a convert of 3 years. The second is the only member in her family, and they don't want her to go, but she is relying on Heavenly Father to make the right decisions. Oh my goodness. The faith of the people I meet everyday is inspiring. I know this gospel has blessed my life and their lives. I know it will bless the lives of those who choose to come back to church or investigate the Church and come unto Christ through baptism. AND... the temple is in my area! It's like a 30 minute walk! But we can't go until our designated day. But there are perks to being in the city. We meet at the same chapel that the mission office is in, and this morning before district meeting, we got cookies from one of the senior couples. Oh yeah! And one more thing... The other night we came home and our gate, front door, and back door were open. The other sisters, who were the last to leave that morning, said they locked it. So we got to sleep over at the mission home with air con for a night before they replaced our locks! It was pretty sweet... and weird seeing our mission president in a t-shirt the next morning. Haha.. It's hotter here in the city and I miss Antipolo sobra, but I know this is where the Lord needs me at this time. Revelation is real! Mahal ko kayo, Sister Cope Pictures of the Week: 1. Saying goodbye to the DeJesus Family (minus Erroll, plus Kristin). Grabei. I love them a lot. 2. My new companion, Sister Goud, and I at the internet shop, right now! Hala! :) 3. My recent converts in Antipolo--the San Agustins <3 4. An epic Family Home Evening, complete with ooga booga and pulbo. 5. My other second family in Antipolo--The Franciscos (minus Brother). 6. On the way to transfer meeting with my kabahay and friends... S. Schmidt, me, S. Polinar, and S. Iosefa.

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