Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Happy Temple Day!

It's finally open again. It's been undergoing renovations for the past two months so I'm happy to have the opportunity to return. It keeps the perspective that it's not just about baptisms and church attendance. It's getting them to the temple to make more promises to Heavenly Father, and receive more blessings (including the beautiful gift of the power to seal on earth AND in heaven, and have eternal families)!

This transfer is going by so fast. We still get punted a lot here in San Isidro, Antipolo, but we manage to find people who are ready to hear the gospel, like Sister Jessica. She's the best friend of one of our returning members. They study the Book of Mormon together. She takes notes, highlights in the scriptures, and writes down questions. She's amazing. And she's not just learning the gospel, she's living it! After President Uchtdorf's talk in general conference, 'The merciful obtain mercy,' she called up her ex-husband and shared some apologies. And a couple hours later her daughter, who she hasn't heard from since Christmas, called her. The gospel is so real. It works if you live it, not just learn. It makes no difference in your life if you don't apply it. That's why it breaks my heart when investigators and less actives don't keep commitments and we continue to hear about the struggles they're having. Siempre they won't just all go away, but with the gospel we can bear our burden's cheerfully. Like the people of Alma in Mosiah 24, I think. It's an amazing chapter about God's awareness of us and how He keeps His promises and lifts the righteous.

Then there's the San Guenza family. We taught them about the Restoration on our third visit, and I could just see it in their eyes--their desire to keep the commitment we gave them to pray about whether or not the message was true and to come to church. They wholeheartedly accepted the challenge to pray and they wanted to all come to church. But because of their financial situation, one of the brothers said, "We'll have to talk about it, discuss, and decide who will go because we don't have money." Two came at the beginning of April, and three came this past Sunday with the help of members that gave them a ride. The sacrifices people will make because of their faith in Christ are humbling. I know I can do so much more... including being exactly obedient (and not going over on e-mail time...)!

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

P.S. Use my new address. It should be in a couple blogs down. Also, if you e-mail me, I do get them, but I can't reply... Just to my mom, dad, and brother. But I am so happy to receive them so keep sending them :) I will snail mail back if you include an updated address in your e-mail! Salamat po.
P.P.S. No pictures this week. I didn't charge my battery... Next time na lang.

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