Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pinay na ako.

Sinubukin ko ang balut!!!! I tried balut. I've got pictures to prove it. I had Christmas Eve dinner at my Relief Society President's house (whose son happens to be our Branch Mission Leader). Anyway. It didn't taste bad. Just the thought of what it was made it hard to swallow. I don't think mine was that developed so I didn't feel a beak or anything...

For Christmas here everyone has pasta! We had three meals of pasta on Christmas day. Each family was oh so generous and I just love the people here.

But the best part of Christmas was the fact that Brother De Jesus came to church. Two of the De Jesus children come once in a while, but it means there is some progression. It's such a blessing to me because it's a family that has all my heart and soul, and I feel like I've been able to witness a miracle.

The other best part was that Brother and Sister San Agustin were confirmed (their baptism was on Christmas Eve), and all three of their children (who are actually teenagers/young adults) came to church!!

I'm so grateful for the love of God and that He sent His Son to atone for our sins and suffer all our pains and afflictions so that we can one day be worthy to enter into the presence of Heavenly Father. I know Jesus Christ's atonement is real. I know that is what Christmas is all about. He's done SO much for us. Just read "Teachings of Jesus" by Dallin H. Oaks.

I love you all. I hope you had a nice Christmas.

Sister Cope

1. At our Branch Christmas party with Arlene, an amazing investigator who continues to read the Book of Mormon and take notes about what she's read, with her children and some of her neighbors' children :)

2. This is Brother Dacuno (our Elder's Quorum President), Brother Madelo (our best branch missionary's husband), Brother Rey (my first baptisee who will be going to the temple this week to do baptisms for the dead!), Brother Romel (the funniest and most diligent member that assists in missionary work), and Edgardo (an investigator from the past who wants to be baptized, but works away from home).

3. My new companion, Sister Matuauto, and I at Christmas conference. (She's from Utah with Samoan descent just like Sister Siu. I'm destined to have polynesian companions my whole mission... Haha..) But Christmas conference was awesome. I really felt the Spirit during the talks and the musical numbers.

4.S. Mat, Bro. Rodel (branch presidency member and baptizer), Bro. San Agustin, Sis. San Agustin, Me :), and Lehi (our branch mission leader) at the San Agustin baptism on Christmas Eve. Sobrang masaya. They are an amazing example of acting on faith.

5. Peeling the balut and avoiding looking at it...

6. The partially developed baby bird in an egg... Yep. That's balut.

7. Sister Glaffy, the Relief Society President, encouraging me to shove the rest of it in my mouth... :D

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

And then there were two...

It's just me and Sister Daclan for about 36 hours. We meet our new companions tomorrow. We've been cleaning the house in preparation for them. We feel very blessed that neither of us are transferring so we get to spend Christmas with each other. For Christmas dinner I'll be spending the evening with my favorite family (The DeJesus's). But other than that it's work as usual.

Sister Litz left last night. A group of elders brought over a cake and we ate outside of our apartment and sang some hymns. It was happy. It's amazing how close you can grow to people within such a short time. We were only a tripanionship for three weeks, but I've learned a lot from her and Sister Daclan.

Only 2 of 5 of the family will be baptized this Saturday, but I'm still really excited. The daughters decided they weren't ready. And I agree that it's better to wait. Baptism is a huge commitment--it's a covenant with God! But the parents are so ready and I feel so blessed to have been an instrument in the Lord's hands in introducing them to the gospel. The Spirit was the real teacher, though. Sister San Agustin actually admitted to me the other day that she can understand/follow my Tagalog now and before she would just nod her head. Haha... But seriously, conversion only happens through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Working with the less actives is slow, but good. It's a whole other world in teaching less actives. They're at such varied stages. There are those that don't remember anything, those that are really bitter, those that are just having a hard time in life, and those that have solid testimonies, and I'm not quite sure why they're not at church. I really need to be acquainted with the scriptures and be in tune with the Spirit in order to teach them because their needs are so different. It's going to be a challenge, but I have hope that we can bring many souls back. I was listening to this one song by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir where they sing, "Bind me not to the pasture, chain me not to the... set me free to find my brother, and I'll return to thee some how." It's beautiful. I don't remember what it's called. But I definitely feel like I've been let outside the fenced area to find the lost sheep, and I'm so determined to get them back, to church, and, eventually, to the temple.

I know Heavenly Father has a plan for each of us. He has a lot of expectations of us, too. But we can rise to the occasion through faith in His Son Jesus Christ and the enabling power of the Atonement. This is a good time to evaluate our relationship with Christ. Why is He so important? Why do we honor Him and celebrate His birth? This is an amazing talk that helped strengthen my testimony and understanding of who Christ is and what it means that He is our Savior...http://lds.org/general-conference/2011/10/teachings-of-jesus?lang=eng&query=teachings+jesus

Maligayan Pasko!!!!!!!!! (Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!)

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Pictures of the week:
1. Our Christmas tag wreath courtesy of my Dad :)
2. At Cloud 9 last P-day with Sister Litz and Sister Daclan, and the most of our district.
3. The beautiful view of the city and the sunset at Cloud 9.
4. Saying goodbye to Sister Litz...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Mahirap pero masaya.

Hard but happy. Those are the perfect words to describe the mission right now.

There's a quote from Jeffrey R. Holland in "Preach My Gospel" about how you'll be devastated when investigators don't keep commitments. Devastation doesn't quite cover it. It really is heartbreaking when you want to see people's lives improve and to see them act on their faith, but they don't. No one, I don't think, can ever prepare you for how hard a mission actually is.

BUT Heavenly Father is still aware of me!!! I see it with the people he blesses me to work with and those that I have the privilege of meeting. Like the other day this one member I had never worked with before volunteered to be my companion for the day. I felt so grateful because not only did she speak English well and was able to translate when I needed it, she also brought a wonderful Spirit to the lessons. On that same day we found this one less active member in the depths of Sampaga (one of my areas). He was baptized as a child and doesn't remember anything. Since then he's been baptized a born again, but he admitted that he's still confused and said we're welcome to come back. It was amazing--his receptiveness and sincerity. He has committed to pray to know if Joseph Smith is a true prophet. I know he will get his answer because I've seen it happen time and time again.

And we received new numbers from our mission president for our standards of excellence. For those who aren't familiar with mission terms these are goals for lessons and baptisms to help us focus and work hard. Our numbers have changed drastically. Our focus in the mission has completely shifted. It was 18 lessons to investigators with a member present and 10 Less Active visits. It is now 12 member present lessons and 15 less active visits. 2012 is the year to establish the Church in the Philippines. About 8 out of 10 baptized members go less active. It's not typical missionary work, but it's a special request from our area presidency. When this was announced I realized that that's what I have been called to do. To find the lost sheep and bring them back. I feel very strongly about this new focus. I know it is of great importance in order to build up the Church in the future and it is of great importance to Heavenly Father. He loves each of us so very much and He wants us to love and watch out for each other. I know this is a sacred responsibility and part of the baptismal covenants I have made.

As for my one baptism so far... He is still active! And he received the priesthood last week and blessed the sacrament this week. It is very special to witness him progress in the gospel.

4 of 5 members of a family I've been teaching are scheduled for a baptism on Christmas Eve. I'm very excited for them. I'll keep you updated on how it goes :)

That's all for now. I love what I'm doing. I feel like it's a taste of real joy/the love of God like the angel describes the fruit of the tree of life in 1 Nephi 11. Bringing people real happiness brings me real happiness as well. I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true and that we have a living prophet and modern revelation. Because God loves us just as much as He loves His children from Old testament time.. and all His children throughout all time. As great as His love is for all of us, it is also very individual. He knows us, and Christ knows us. We can rely on them for comfort, guidance, peace, love and all good things. They will bless us with our righteous desires as we strive to follow them.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope
Pictures of the week:

1. My investigators that went on our recent temple tour. It was raining, but it was still maganda. L-R: Diana Jane (she is about ready to be baptized, but there's a new rule in our mission that they need a responsible adult getting baptized with them or an active family member. it's a great new rule because it will help them stay active. her parents are preparing so as soon as they're ready, they'll be baptized together.), Ericka (Diana's sister who used to listen to the missionaries and her heart is beginning to accept us again. slowly but surely.), Mary Ann with baby Joanna (she has a testimony and is working on acting on it), Mark with baby Marky and Ailyn (she's been taught everything and we're catching him up. i've seen him change so much in the short time i've known him. it's a miracle.)

2. My district with the APs. Small, but amazing.

3. An awesome cloud at sunset; I think this was taken in my area of Antipolo Hills.

4. My housemates and companions right before Sister Siufanua was taken to the mission home for her flight the next morning. Sister Daclan and Sister Litz are the Sisters I have become a "tripanionship" with. It's a balancing act with two areas, but the members have been really supportive. I'll have a new companion on December 21st. Sister Daclan, too, because Sister Litz will be finishing her mission this transfer. S. Daclan and I are hoping to both stay in our areas. Other than that we'll be spending Christmas with companions we've known for only four days pala.

Monday, December 5, 2011

May nosebleed ako...

So in the Philippines they refer to being overwhelmed by the use of another language as a nosebleed. My language fast didn't last a whole week, but I have been working with members that know little to no English. Sister Siufanua has finished her mission and is back in the United States now. My new companions are Sister Litz and Sister Daclan. They're the other sisters in our house. We have extra responsibility with the same areas and only three of us so we go on splits with members. It's exhausting, but I know Heavenly Father doesn't give us anything we can't handle (1 Nephi 3:7). I've witnessed tender little mercies and had prayers answered this week and so I know Heavenly Father has not left me alone. I told Sister Siufanua that I felt like I've been pushed in front of an oncoming bus, but she quickly replied that God will give me the strength to be Supergirl. So I'm working on confidence in myself and reliance on Jesus Christ to make up the difference. This is a great opportunity for the branch as well. They're stepping up their fellowshipping, and there are different members who have volunteered to go with me this week. I'm tired, but excited. I know that God has high expectations, but that we can meet them through His Son and with the support of one another.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

P.S. Eliza R. Snow is epic... She was the second or third president of the Relief Society in the early days of the Church... and she wrote some of our beloved hymns. This quote is in the book "Daughters in My Kingdom":

"I will go forward... I will smile at the rage of the tempest and ride fearlessly and triumphantly across the boisterous ocean of circumstance... and the 'testimony of Jesus' will light up a lamp that will guide my vision through the portals of immortality."