Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I washed clothes by hand for the first time!

Our nanay who usually does the laundry had a family emergency so Sister Siufanua taught me how to scrub my clothes by hand. It's fun for the first 10 seconds. But it does make for great bonding time. Nanay is the best one to go to for mission chismis (gossip).

So I'm almost fully Pinay... I just need to learn Tagalog and eat balut... But I've got plans for Thanksgiving...

Anyway this week has seemed a little slower, but also rewarding. The lessons we've been having are fewer and farther in between, but there's been some quality bonding and finding. We've met so many amazing families recently. Our mission has a focus on families right now. If a family is baptized together they're much more likely to stay active because they have a support system. We invited one family and the dad accepted. He requested December 24th because it's the eve of Christ's birth and shortly after his wife and one of his three kids accepted the invitation as well. They are so awesome because they have shown so much faith already. It's like I said last week, I haven't even done much, but the Spirit has and they want to act on their faith and they are acting on their faith. It's so amazing to witness people's lives and countenances change as they grow closer to Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. Brother Rey, who was baptized two weeks ago, bore his testimony to us as we taught him and his sister and brother-in-law. It was beautiful and powerful.

I know the gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives. I've witnessed it in my own life and in the lives of those around me. I'm witnessing it right now. I know the gospel really comes from God because the fruits of living it are masarap. I love it here and I feel so grateful to be an instrument in the Lord's hand to share the love that I've felt from it.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

Pictures of the week:
1. A map of my area right now, sort of. My branch is in San Isidro, but the areas I serve in are Siete Media, Hinapao/Joyous Heights, Santana, Sampaga, San Luis Brngy, Snto Nino, and Antipolo Hills.
2. This is an investigator named Mila with her husband and granddaughter. She's moving at the end of the month, but Sister Siufanua and I have had some great experiences with her. We really feel she was prepared to hear are message and that God put her in our path.
3. Another gorgeous sunset... these are a daily occurrence <3 4. Molly, the cute new puppy of our Relief Society president and her son our branch mission leader. 5. Enjoying a delicious drink that I don't know the name of at one of my investigators' homes. It has ube and coconut milk--and it's delicious. 6. This hilarious game of sexy lizards, balding pregancies, and wounded cats... I don't really know. It doesn't make sense in Tagalog either. This was taken at a Family Home Evening we did at the DeJesus's

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