Monday, January 7, 2013

Testimonies and Priesthood...

Testimonie​s and Priesthood​...

I bore my testimony in our last transfer meeting... it was my last one with just two months left. I shared what has become one of my favorite scriptures. I learned on my mission that it was a favorite of my brother's after sharing it with him in an e-mail, and then I shared it in a lesson with Laarni the afternoon before her baptism... 1 Ne. 11: 16-17  And he said unto me: Knowest thou the condescension of God? And I said unto him: I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things. We don't need to know everything. We just need to establish our testimonies of a Father in Heaven that loves us more than we can comprehend. That's why I'm here doing what I'm doing.

And I have a new companion fresh from the Philippines MTC and fresh with the Spirit.. Sister Racaza. She's sweet and enthusiastic about the work, and she's got style :)

Last night we were able to help out our returning Melchizedek priesthood holder, Randy, give a blessing to his wife with his Dad. We borrowed oil from the branch president and gave them the handbook on how to give the blessings. They were a little nervous, but it was amazing to get to see two active Melchizedek priesthood holders in one family worthy to give another family member a blessing. (Sorry this is kind of deep for those who are not too familiar with the Church, but in short we believe that God's power to bless the sick is on the earth and only those given the authority and that are worthy to use it can give those blessings. It's the pinakakaibaan (biggest difference) in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. And I know it's real. Because I've seen that power work multiple times in my life.) It's exciting because our theme for the mission this  year is Priesthood Power Establishes the Church and I'm getting to see that happen.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

1. Sister Harston and I with Laarni at her baptism last week.
2. With the Jensens and the San Juan family. This is just one of the best things ever to see them all in white, and I hope to see them again when they go through the temple...
3. The whole group. Two children of record and two convert baptisms. And two fathers and a father-in-law that was able to baptize them. Amazing...
4. Saying goodbye :( to one of my best friends, MTC companion, and kabahay for 7 months... Sister Biggs!
5. Finding out if we're being transferring or not... We had to lick whipped cream off plates with either a smiley face or a frown face. I stayed :D
6. New companion... my size. Haha...

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