Thursday, August 30, 2012


That means fasting in Tagalog. This transfer I have such an increased testimony of it. Our bishop challenged the ward to fast every Sunday, and Sister Daclan and I did it for our six weeks together. (I will be transferring again.) Every time we just saw different doors open and unexpected blessings. One miracle from this past week was a Sister who hasn't been to church since 2004. We've only taught her twice. And the members treated her so well. She said she was really happy. And our next lesson with her was very different. Her heart is just ready to come back and understand the gospel. I also learned some very important lessons this last fast that we did. I know Heavenly Father is answering my prayers.

Sister Daclan will be training!! I'm so excited for her. She's going to be amazing. She just has the biggest heart, and will help the new missionary adjust and feel very loved. But I'm going to miss her so much. We found out on Monday so I've been saying some goodbyes and one of our returning members offered a very tender prayer in our behalf with our new companions and for me and my new area. I'm starting to get used to leaving the people I love behind. I'll be heading to my fourth area, but it's still hard, and I've already promised one of my favorite families in a previous area that I will be returning to the Philippines. I can't say goodbye forever. That would break my heart. So I will see them again, and it's okay. I have to come back to see some of them sealed in the temple.

One of our investigators with a baptismal date had been struggling to understand the priesthood authority of the Church. But he wants to be baptized and he has a testimony of going to church. He reads the scriptures, he's excited to learn more every lesson, and he offers very heartfelt prayers. We asked him what he learned in Elders Quorum this past Sunday. It was a leson about priesthood. He gets it now. It was amazing to hear him share, and he was excited to tell us that he gave the opening prayer before the lesson. His baptismal date is September 30 so sadly I will not get to be here for it, but I know Sister Daclan will take good care of him.

I had the privilege of teaching endure to the end with our other investigator who will be baptized on the 16th. He has grown so much in his testimony since I first got here. Before he wouldn't always keep appointments, and now we're teaching him four times a week.

We're late for our lunch appointment and I still have to e-mail our mission president. But basically it's been an amazing last week in Pateros.

Mahal ko kayo,
Sister Cope

PICTURES of the week! (courtesy of Sister Daclan's camera)
And actually they're from the past couple weeks up until today :D
1.Sister Daclan, Nicole Salamanca, and me. Her family started coming back to church again these past six weeks and she wants to go on a mission!
2. Today after transfer announcements. Mahal ko siya <3
3. After the last temple tour we had (which was actually Quezon City North..), we took pictures at the church because the ones of all four of us at the temple weren't very good. To the far left is Jason Miano. He's the one getting baptized on the 16th. His girlfriend, Nicole is a member.
4. Cute pictures at the temple. She is going to be an amazing missionary, if she doesn't get married first :)
5. The first temple tour of the transfer (these pictures are out of order) with the Garais Family. And apparently I wore the same thing both times... Ha.
6.Garais family. I love them to death. Maevelle, Sister Brenda, and Mel Brian. Mel Mel will be baptized by the end of the year, and by the end of next year, hopefully, their family will be going through the temple to be sealed for time and eternity. Brother Melvin had work.
7. Mamimiss sila ng sobra.
8. So I know this is not flattering, and a really scary thing for anyone who is not a sister, but tampons are really rare in the Philippines so I had to take a picture...

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