Monday, June 11, 2012

Welcome to Pateros 1.

My new area is in Pasig City. It used to be part of the Manila mission, but when they created the Quezon City North Mission, they realigned Manila and Quezon City. The air is dirty, but the work continues to move forth. And I continue to feel blessed and happy that I am serving here. We just ate lunch with our bishop and his family, and I had to sing one verse of "Come, Come Ye Saints" solo. Ha! Tapos... I love my new companion, Sister Sarmiento. She's Filipina and she's funny, and we we work well together. I'm excited for this transfer. I've already felt and witnessed the unity in our companionship with the Spirit as we were teaching to one returning member about having a calling in the church. She's teaching Sunday School and really nervous about it. We shared from D&C 4 (classic) about if you have a desire, you are called to the work. And then my companion shared exactly what I had been thinking about sharing--how Joseph Smith had only received the education of a 3rd grade, but God gave him power to translate the Book of Mormon from reformed Egyptian to English! God can mold us into anything if we give up our will for His. And so the Sister we taught did not end up asking to be released, but she's building up her faith and getting rid of her fear. (Because they cannot coexist!) My zone is great, too. I'm housemates with Sister Biggs (my MTC companion)! And my district leader from the MTC is in my zone. And some of my old zone mates from Antipolo. Not to mention, my zone leaders have really strong spirits. As we discussed our zone goals, you could sense their sincerity and love for helping the zone and the work of the Lord. I was reading the other day in the June Liahona, "You are Enough" by Elder Cristofferson, I think, of the Twelve Apostles, and he mentioned how faith is not only a feeling; it's a decision. I know this is true. I know if we choose to have have faith, God will bless us with the strength and power to do the things He requires of us. Actually... here's a magandang quote I'll end on from the testimony of one of the Elders going home next transfer who testified at our transfer meeting. (He read it from a letter home; I'm not actually sure on the original source.) "Obedience is the price. Faith is the power. Love is the motive. The Spirit is the key. And Christ is the reason." Mahal ko po kayo, Sister Cope

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