Saturday, August 20, 2011


Dear Friends and Family,

The four sisters that my companion and I roomed with have left. They're now in the Philippines! We´ll be joining them in 6 weeks. I'm sobrang excited. I can't believe I only knew them for three weeks. Thankfully, all four of them are also serving in Quezon City so there's a good chance I'll run into them down the road. We have four new sisters already. Three of them are international (New Zealand, Tonga, and Kitabira, which I guess is a tiny, tiny island by Fiji. I'm not sure if I spelled it right.) The other is from Utah.

This week has been amazing as usual. Nothing too out of the ordinary except a funny joke the Elders played on Sister Biggs and I. It would take time to explain, but just know that I laughed a lot and our teacher came into the restroom and told me I was being really loud. Hahaha... I gave a talk on Sunday by the way! We have to prepare talks every Sunday that can only be five minutes (literally), and you don't find out if you're actually chosen to speak until right before you do. I had a pretty good idea, though, that I would be for some reason. (i.e., the Holy Ghost :) I focused on hope as part of enduring to the end. Afterward and Elder told me "I liked your talk" in Tagalog, and I understood him. Always a good thing. The district that was leaving sang "I know my Redeemer lives" switching back and forth between English and Tagalog. It was beautiful and they really communicated by the power of the Spirit.

Our Tuesday night devotional by a member of the Seventy (David F. Evans)seemed like it was just for me. So I've always kind of struggled with the idea of how much we glorify the Savior. I'm so grateful for His sacrifice and all He's done and I know it is through Him that we can return to be with our Heavenly Father, but sometimes I think God gets shafted. And that's exactly what this devotional was about. Some of the general authorities, including members of the Twelve apostles, felt like people were forgetting the Father's place in relation to the Son. It is the Father's will that the Son carried out. It is Heavenly Father's gospel that He gave to us through Jesus Christ. It was just really comforting to know that Church leaders were having the same concern I had, and it was a really great talk. My favorite, I think, since I've been here. And the speakers wife bore her testimony right before, too, and reminded us that God keeps His promises to us, and I know this is true because I've seen it in my life, especially as of late. I've been guided on what to study for myself and for my investigators by the Spirit and I'm learning so much. And speaking of investigators, we invited one of them to be baptized! It was intense and it felt right. The investigator isn't ready yet, but we'll help him prepare. For those of you who aren't familiar with the MTC and how we learn, a lot of it is done by roleplaying. Our teachers play investigators that they taught in the field so that we can practice teaching by the Spirit and according to needs, and, of course, try and get a handle on the language. I'm realizing how much I've learned as I teach because I can piece together most of what I need and want to say. It's amazing the help God gives.

And TRC was a great experience once again. One of the volunteers who came in to be taught was just really closed up and I think we helped soften her heart by the end. I felt the power of the Holy Ghost there so I hope she did as well. I shared verses 6 and 4 from Ether 12 and a personal experience, and my companion shared a very heartfelt testimony. I can't even remember everything that happened, but I know that we spoke about God's purpose in giving us trials and how He will help us through them, and we'll be blessed for pressing forward with faith.

Masaya po ako. (I am happy.) And I know I'm doing the Lord's work. My time is up, but just know that I love you all. I pray for you, and I miss you. Please feel free to write. I will write back :)

Mahal kita,
Sister Copé

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