Saturday, August 27, 2011

A Month?! What?!

Yeah... so tomorrow it will have been a month that I've been here. Time goes so fast.Craziness. Anyway...

Mabuti po ang buhay. (Life is good.) I learn and grow so much every week. This week I learned a lot about patience. Haha... And love. It's always all about love. That's why I'm doing what I'm doing. That's why God sent His Son. That's why the world would be better off if there was more of it. That's why my teachers are so great, even (and especially) this one substitute I had last Saturday. He could tell I was struggling and just took me aside and talked to me, and he gave me some great advice that I've already begun to implement.

Speaking of teachers, I'm getting a new one. Sister Landrum is starting school on Monday and her schedule has been changed so Brother Lakanienta will be taking her place. He was just hired at the MTC and has been sitting in on our classes. I think he'll be great. Our second teacher, Brother Cook, is still the same.

So I was still not in the best mood when Sunday came around even though I had a great talk with the one teacher and had been praying a lot, but throughout the day my heart just got softer and softer, and by the end of the day I was sobrang masaya (so happy). Relief Society was great we heard from Sister Eubank of the RS General Board and she talked about the Plan of Salvation, but defined it as love, choice, work, and infinite patience (on the Savior's part). I really liked her perspective. And she shared one of my favorite scriptures--Romans 8:37-39. She also had us ponder if we could sum up our testimonies for our posterity in a couple lines what would we say. She shared some of the things from the women in the scriptures like Eve, the wife of Lamoni, Martha, and Ruth. I would definitely include something about God's love if I only had a sentence or two. Exactly what I would say, hindi ko alam (I don't know). The musical number for the fireside talk that night was by this Elder who sung "This is the Christ." It was beautiful and powerful. And at night we watched "Legacy." We LOVE watching the Church films on Sunday nights. It's funny how we get into them. We're watching with hundreds of other missionaries and when there is any bit of a love story we're all cheering and stuff. It's pretty ridiculous and hilarious.

Tuesday was amazing because for our devotional that evening we performed this song called "Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer" about curbing the winds and calming the billows from the story at the end of Mark 4. It's a beautiful song and the Spirit was there as we sang it. Elder Zivic of the seventy and his wife spoke, and one thing that was touched upon was prayer and I was reminded that I need to act on promptings immediately. Even if they're not directly from the Holy Ghost, they're never bad things, and what's wrong with doing more good? Sorry I know this might not make much sense to all my friends who are not Mormon, but I can always explain more in personal letters.

I continue having great personal study and really being lead by the Spirit as to what I should study. Most recently, I was reading in the Book of Mormon (sa Tagalog and in English) about Nephi wanting to know for himself about the visions his father had seen and there was a great verse in 1st Nephi chapter 10 about coming unto Christ and it helped me come to terms with working through Christ to get to my Heavenly Father. It was an added witness to that idea. I also read this fabulous talk by Jeffrey R. Holland called "An High Priest of Good things to come" recommended by one of the Elders in my district. It addresses issues that many people go through, but that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, which light is Christ, and it's such a beautiful message of hope. And then Sister Biggs was sharing with me about some scriptures she had been reading and made the point that we limit the blessings we receive with our faithlessness and lack of creativity. If we ask for great things, according to the will of God, He will answer our prayers and keep His promises. I know this with all my heart and mind.

The things we study always seem to help us meet the needs of the people we teach. It was the same this week. In the TRC, we taught about having faith enough to see and expect miracles to the first volunteer. (See Ether 12:12) To the second, we shared experiences and testimony of Heavenly Father helping us through hard times. There's this great scripture in Romans 4:18-25 about hoping and trusting in God. It's about Abraham in particular, but it applies to everyone.

We had a funny experience in class yesterday evening learning about the abilitative version of fall (makahulog - to be able to fall). And the joke won't really make sense, but Sister Biggs asked if there could be an actor in the sentence: Nakahulog po nila Adan at Eva. (Adam and Eve fell. Adam and Eve being the object.) She wanted to insert 'si Satanas,' but it would mean that Satan dropped Adam and Eve. Sobrang funny, and kind of a Tagalog inside joke, but I wanted to share it anyway. Sister Biggs and I couldn't stop laughing and the Elders and Brother Cook just stared at us because they didn't find it nearly as funny as we did. And the other girls in the other district mentioned to me that they heard me laughing. Seguro (of course). Haha...

Anyway. I'm very happy. I know God loves each and everyone of you. I pray for you.

Mahal ko kayo. (I love you all instead of I love you, which is what I've been saying...)

Sister Copé

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Dear Friends and Family,

The four sisters that my companion and I roomed with have left. They're now in the Philippines! We´ll be joining them in 6 weeks. I'm sobrang excited. I can't believe I only knew them for three weeks. Thankfully, all four of them are also serving in Quezon City so there's a good chance I'll run into them down the road. We have four new sisters already. Three of them are international (New Zealand, Tonga, and Kitabira, which I guess is a tiny, tiny island by Fiji. I'm not sure if I spelled it right.) The other is from Utah.

This week has been amazing as usual. Nothing too out of the ordinary except a funny joke the Elders played on Sister Biggs and I. It would take time to explain, but just know that I laughed a lot and our teacher came into the restroom and told me I was being really loud. Hahaha... I gave a talk on Sunday by the way! We have to prepare talks every Sunday that can only be five minutes (literally), and you don't find out if you're actually chosen to speak until right before you do. I had a pretty good idea, though, that I would be for some reason. (i.e., the Holy Ghost :) I focused on hope as part of enduring to the end. Afterward and Elder told me "I liked your talk" in Tagalog, and I understood him. Always a good thing. The district that was leaving sang "I know my Redeemer lives" switching back and forth between English and Tagalog. It was beautiful and they really communicated by the power of the Spirit.

Our Tuesday night devotional by a member of the Seventy (David F. Evans)seemed like it was just for me. So I've always kind of struggled with the idea of how much we glorify the Savior. I'm so grateful for His sacrifice and all He's done and I know it is through Him that we can return to be with our Heavenly Father, but sometimes I think God gets shafted. And that's exactly what this devotional was about. Some of the general authorities, including members of the Twelve apostles, felt like people were forgetting the Father's place in relation to the Son. It is the Father's will that the Son carried out. It is Heavenly Father's gospel that He gave to us through Jesus Christ. It was just really comforting to know that Church leaders were having the same concern I had, and it was a really great talk. My favorite, I think, since I've been here. And the speakers wife bore her testimony right before, too, and reminded us that God keeps His promises to us, and I know this is true because I've seen it in my life, especially as of late. I've been guided on what to study for myself and for my investigators by the Spirit and I'm learning so much. And speaking of investigators, we invited one of them to be baptized! It was intense and it felt right. The investigator isn't ready yet, but we'll help him prepare. For those of you who aren't familiar with the MTC and how we learn, a lot of it is done by roleplaying. Our teachers play investigators that they taught in the field so that we can practice teaching by the Spirit and according to needs, and, of course, try and get a handle on the language. I'm realizing how much I've learned as I teach because I can piece together most of what I need and want to say. It's amazing the help God gives.

And TRC was a great experience once again. One of the volunteers who came in to be taught was just really closed up and I think we helped soften her heart by the end. I felt the power of the Holy Ghost there so I hope she did as well. I shared verses 6 and 4 from Ether 12 and a personal experience, and my companion shared a very heartfelt testimony. I can't even remember everything that happened, but I know that we spoke about God's purpose in giving us trials and how He will help us through them, and we'll be blessed for pressing forward with faith.

Masaya po ako. (I am happy.) And I know I'm doing the Lord's work. My time is up, but just know that I love you all. I pray for you, and I miss you. Please feel free to write. I will write back :)

Mahal kita,
Sister Copé

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Dearest Friends and Family,

The weeks are going by so fast. I've had a lot of great experiences and some hardships, too. I've been having a lot of good personal study that seems really directed by the Holy Ghost. Like last Saturday I was reading some scripture about the doctrine of Christ, and I was lead to learning about gifts of the Spirit in this talk by Dallin H. Oaks, and I learned more about charity, which I've really been working on. Because I love people, but I don't think I love them enough. But I realized that our purpose here really is to help others. I wish I could remember the scripture reference, but it was powerful. And then yesterday my companion suggested I read Alma 36 and then I was lead to thinking about hope and I read this beautiful talk on hope being the anchor of our souls by James E. Faust. I continued to study hope today for personal study in Preach My Gospel and the scriptures and there are so many amazing verses. Read Ether 12. I'm really trying to strengthen my trust in God to fulfill his promises and to have a sure hope in the Atonement of Jesus Christ and His resurrection. I know that God will bless me after a trial of my faith. I was also able to learn stuff from the war chapters at the end of Alma, which I always struggle with. The love that Helaman has for the stripling warriors is amazing and so powerful.

The other sisters that are in our zone leave for the Philippines next Tuesday. Sister Biggs and I will be the only girls unless more female companionships come in next Wednesday. It's kind of crazy. But the elders are great and I'm learning lots from them and from Sister Biggs. And from other sisters I talk to in the dormitory. They are all truly children of our Heavenly Father. Now if only I could go now to teach the others in the Philippines. I'm so excited, but I know that there is still lots I need to improve on before I am ready. I know God is with me, though, and I know he is helping me. Everything here is inspired. I know that. Our companionships, our districts, our leaders, our teachers, our curriculum. Sobrang magandang (very good)!

We had our first experience in the TRC (Teaching Resource Center) where people who speak your mission language come in to be taught. They used to work by role playing, but now they are themselves and we address real needs according to the Spirit. It's amazing. I love the changes they are making and I think they really will help us be better missionaries. It's so much about relying on the Holy Ghost and about the people. Sister Biggs and I had a wonderful experience with the TRC. At one point I was lead by the Spirit exactly as to what scripture I should read. I was looking for something else, but it was 1st John 4: 7-10 (?) that I found, and it worked. God sent His Son because He loves us. I know that. It's a love we cannot comprehend, but that is very real and overwhelming. I am praying to feel that love so that I am better able to teach.

Today I am leaving the campus for a couple hours to go to the dentist. It's going to be weird to go into the real world. Haha...



P.S. Please write to me if you have the time. My MTC Mailbox is #224 and my expected departure date is 0927. Use It's so easy and free :) And it will bring me kaligayahan (happiness)!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Hello Friends and Family,

First, I love you all so much and I'm praying for all of you, and some of you more specifically. I miss you, but I'm very happy to be where I am right now.

So last week when I wrote, I was actually kind of struggling with expectations and the whole experience of being at the MTC. Adjustment can be difficult. It's quite different. But things are sooo good. I continue to have amazing, wonderful, uplifting experiences. Everyday seems to start off bad or have a bad couple of hours, but at the end of the day I always know I'm in the right place at the right time doing the Lord's work. (Hence, the emotional rollercoaster I feel like I'm on.)

SO MUCH happens in such a short period of time that I can't remember everything I'd like to tell you, but I'll start with Sunday. My district (meaning a small group of companionships that I have class with and everything else with. there are 8 of us total) sang in our ward, "I Need Thee Every Hour." The tradition is that your first week there you sing in English and your last Sunday you sing the hymn in Tagalog. It was lovely. I also participated in choir and we sang this beautiful song about the Atonement and how Christ built mansions for us all with wood and nails. I can't remember what it's called, but I recommend looking it up. It is powerful. We performed the song on Tuesday at the weekly devotional. It was a former member of the quorum of the Seventy (Gerald C. Lund). It was an okay devotional, but what was really wonderful was the district review we had about it after. We share what we learned in a way that relates to us. One Elder who had just earlier that day told me he'd never cried stood up and bore his testimony about how he's trying to change is heart and why he came, but that he's working on loving people. The gospel can do wonders for bringing people joy, real joy.

I talked about miracles. I know that they continue in this day. God has not ceased to put his hand in our lives. It's so cool how many people have told me my capability of performing miracles and I know that it is possible through Heavenly Father and the gift of the Holy Ghost.

I also had one of my prayers answered shortly after writing a letter to Terek about how impossible everything seemed. In Moroni 7 verse 40-something (the whole chapter is good, so you might as well read it all :), it says something along the lines of 'and how is it possible to lay hold of every good thing?' And it goes on to answer by talking about faith and through Jesus Christ. And I'm working on having stronger faith in the power of the Atonement to make up for where I lack and I'm praying for charity to love everyone around me because sometimes it's hard. There are so many different types of people. But we're all God's children, and He loves each and everyone of us so personally and deeply, and I'm trying to as well.

My time is up, but I have to share one more experience. So the first week and a half they threw us into a situation where we taught an investigator and it was really hard and we had to use Tagalog and it was so frustrating because we hardly ever had a teacher and we weren't learning anything new so we didn't have much to go on. But we had a review of that yesterday where we shared our experiences of what we learned and we received feedback from the "investigator." We had to rely so much on the Spirit and trust in the Lord, and teach ourselves, but it was amazing how we were able to get across to him our love and Heavenly Father's love. I also learned that discouragement blocks the power of the Holy Ghost.

I'm 4 minutes past time now, but friends.... Please write me. It's the best thing ever to get letters. An easy and free (I think) way to do it is through In the MTC I will get your messages on the same day you write them and in the Philippines I will get them within 2 weeks I think.

I'm so excited to go to the Philippines and share the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ with the people there. I know it is the way back home to our Heavenly Father and the way to true, eternal happiness.

Sister Cope

P.S. Thank you to those who have written me. I'll be writing letters back this afternoon :)